.:when the sun sets:.

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Chapter One

Eight years ago (age 8)

Prince Auron sat quietly on his bed, staring blankly at the stone walls. It was nearly the middle of the night, yet nothing availed in him sleeping. He sighed and sat next to the window. His fingers traced random designs on the fogged up panes. The rain from the storm outside was pittering against the castles roofing. The noise was lulling him to sleep, but a bright flash of lightning illuminated the sky, startling him. A clap of thunder echoed through the palace's walls not long after. Then he thought of Biana, one of the only people in the castle he liked. To him, she was one of the people he could confide in without the fear of resentment.

So, that is how he ended up in the servants' quarters outside of her bedroom. Auron balled his small hand into a fist and lightly knocked on her door, hoping it was loud enough to wake her. He stood outside, patiently waiting in the freezing cold hallway until the door opened. Bianca groggily looked around, her eyes drooping from exhaustion. "Oh," Auron meekly spoke, "Sorry for waking you up."

As soon as she laid her eyes on Auron, she brightened up. An infectious smile spread across her face as she gestured him to enter the room. He carefully wandered inside, trying not to trip over anything. "Why are you all the way down here at this time of night?" She asked while lighting one of her small candles. It provided just enough light for them to see each other.

"I couldn't sleep," he admitted. Out of nervous habit, Auron twiddled around with his thumbs. He felt bad about waking her up, even though he knew she didn't care. No matter what time it was, she would always welcome him.

She ruffled his curly hair, which his mother would always call atrocious. Bianca would always quarrel with his mom over that, believing it was absolutely adorable. Those arguments would usually be followed by her playing with the kinks in his hair. "Is there anything on your mind that's bothering you?" She asked, caring deeply for his wellbeing. Auron thought deeply for a moment, before shaking his head 'no.' "Is the storm bothering you?" Once again, he shook his head. Bianca asked a handful more of questions, each met with the same response.

"Can I stay in here with you for the night?" Auron pleaded, giving her puppy dog eyes. Her room was always more comforting than his own, mostly because of Bianca's presence. She was more like a mother to him than his biological one was. She sighed in defeat and nodded. Her lanky arms wrapped tightly around his torso as she picked him up. He clung to her as he was lifted up off of the seat. Both of their grips loosened when Auron's body hit the mattress.

Bianca waited until Auron was comfy, then tucked him into the soft blankets. She kissed his forehead and patted his head lightly, as she always did when this happened. When she was sure he had passed out, she blew out the candle on her dresser. Bianca then crawled back into bed, getting ready to go back to sleep. Right before she fell back into her slumber, she felt Auron snuggle up against her.


Well, this is a nice start, but don't get too attached to nice chapters like this.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2019 ⏰

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