It Always Gets Worse

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"Damien they aren't gonna hurt me" I chuckle. "Olivia meet Melanie. Melanie meet Olivia." Melissa says. I stick out my hand and she does the same. "Your eyes are so pretty!" Melanie compliments. That's actually another thing I hate about me. "Thank you, I really like your hair" I compliment back. I feel awkward because no one ever really compliments me. "I didnt know that you lived down here or that you have a brother" Melissa giggles. "The names Damien" he says, using his so called 'girl charm' which is just his smile. I could see both of them getting weak in the knees. I continue walking, not wanting to see his flirting. "Hey Oli, wait up!" Damien calls out. "Nice nickname, Oli." I hear a high pitch voice mock. I turn around to see Emily. Yes, you heard right. Emily. "Why are you here?" I asked Emily in an annoyed voice, I make sure to make my tone clear. "I came to walk with my friends" she says, wrapping her arms around Melissa and Melanie. They both mouth a 'help'. I chuckle, "yeah, your 'friends'". "I don't know who you are, but what are your intentions with Olivia?" Damien ask. "Oh she's just my friend!" She explains wrapping her arms around my waist. I feel her nails dig into my stomach and I let out a small whimper. I push her off of me and turn to Damien. "Yeah, good friends." I say. The others leave me alone with Emily, those bitches. I turn back around Emily. "What do you want from me?!" I whisper-yell at her. "I want you to stay away and have nothing to do with me or my friends again. Got it?" She replies. "They arnt just your friends" I mumble. "They are just my friends! No one wants to be friends with a cow like you!" She screams. I feel a sudden burning sensation on my check. I see her hand turn red, same with her face. She slapped me. "Think about that next time you think anyone would be friends with someone like you" she smiles and walks away. I feel tears come to my eyes and before I know it I'm running home. I'm not stopping for anything. I run past Damien, Melissa, and Melanie. While im running my eyes get to hurry from tears and make me land the wrong way, twisting my ankle. Im not be stopping but I'm slowing down. While I'm limping home I feel handsome grab me from behind by my waist and pull me back onto them. "What's wrong Oli?!" I hear Melissa say. Shes the one with her arms around me. "I don't want to talk about it!" I shout, tears now streaming down my face. I try to get out of the hug but before I can Melanie and Damien join the hug.  "Please get off" I hiccup. Their grip lossens and i take that as an opportunity to escape and run as fast as I can to the house. I run into the house and see my dad get up and see me. I run to my room and lock the door. I throw my backpack across the room and crawl onto my bed, still crying. My dad bust through the door, bottle in his hand. Oh no, not now. "What's up with you, you look awful" he says, nearly spitting every word he says. "Nothing" I studder. "Tell me, did you lose friends because you're ugly? I mean, look at you. You look like a pig" he says while smirking. I hate him so much. He knows exactly what I hate about myself and always uses it against me. "Or is it because you're so weak and small that someone could just crush you like the fucking pest you are" he yells. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" I scream as I push past him out my room and out the front door. I cant stop crying which makes my vision worse. I keep running and running till I cant no more.

Time skip

It feels like ive been running forever and my legs stop moving, making me face palm onto the ground. I just lay there, breathing and waiting to regain some more energy to at least sit up. I finally am able to breathe so I sit up, taking a long look at my surroundings. I'm lost, great. I push myself up to my feet before looking at the rows of houses right infront of me.

Hey guys, this chapter is gonna be short because I switching from my phone to my computer. Sooooo I'm updating like right after this

The "amazing" life of Olivia.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora