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Pauls POV

I've never wanted an imprint because I didn't want to be forced to love someone. I always sleep around with people and thought love should be natural.
The boys and I were hanging out at Emilys when the phone rang saying there's a new Cullen and they want us to meet them. So we all phase in thw woods and take off toward the treaty.
The moment we got there it smelt like lavender and vanilla. I followed the smell towards a beautiful girl that's when I looked into her eyes. It was like gravity shifted and there was only her and me, nothing else mattered.I saw images of us kissing while making breakfast, our first time together, me proposing, our kids... It was beautiful.
I snapped out of my trance and she continued looking at me. She had light brown long hair put into a high ponytail. I started shaking bad and ran out into the woods and phased.

Arianas POV

I watch as my mate looks me over. He first stares in shock, love, happiness then it went sour. He looked disgusted and angry as her stared at me. My unbeating heart broke. I felt venom well up in my eyes as he started shaking and ran away. Am I not good enough..? Am.. I not even good enough for my mate? I guess Edward read my thoughts because he looked angry and shook his head. We ran back to the house and half of everyone was gone. Alice and Jasper left, so did Esme and Carlisle to find people to help us. Since no one was there I decided to sing.

As I sing this reminders of past relationships before becoming a vampire and what just happend earlier that day. Once I finished there was alot of loud claps around the room. I quickly look up to see the new vampires and my family. I stare in shock before saying," I-I uh" I clear my throat. "Wow! That was amazing Aunt Ari!" I smile," Thank you petit." I look towards Edward as he give me a knowing look. "Sam wants you to go over the treaty to La Push and talk to Paul since you're mates." Worry starts to bubble in my stomach. "A-alright," So I get up and run to the treaty and jump over it seeing Sam's black wolf waiting for me. We walk silently the rest of the way to the house. We arrive after Sam shifts back and are bombarded by the pack of shirtless men. I scan over them looking for my mate when someone pokes my shoulder. I turn around and say,"Yes?" She looks nervous as she says," H-hi um my name's Emily what do you like to do for fun?" "Oh well nice to meet you Emily, I'm Ariana, I like to do Ballet,sing, and play piano." I didnt notice the faces on the pack as they glance at eachother. "Oh yea? Can you sing for us?" Quil I think his name was asking me." Of course, any certain genre?" Kim yells," Love!' Not really surprised.."Okay" I look at Emily and Sam once we get in the house and as I stand in the middle of all the couples I think of a love song. Omce it comes to mid I pull out a CD from my pocket and put it into the music player.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2019 ⏰

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