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Draped in gold.

We showed each other what being loved meant that night.

The city night faded in the background.

We yearned for each other,

we craved each other.

And until that moment none of us knew the extent of that longing.

It was as if the sun and moon collided,

two planets who never knew they needed each other so much.

His hands in her hair,

lips against lips.

It was all gentle the entire time.

They treated each other as if they were glass sculptures with gold engravements.

They did not treat each other like anything less.

what was left between them was nothing but the heat radiating from both their bodies.

They found a Rhythm,

like a classical composition.

Started off slow and gentle to draw you in then slowly increased till it got so intense it felt as if you were in a whole other world away from reality.

It was an escape.

It was love.

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