Chapter 16

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"Jen, Jen!" Ben called out as he made his way downstairs. "Where are you?" To which Jen replied, "I'm in the kitchen, what do you need?" At that, Ben made his way to the kitchen to talk to Jen.

Ben: I need to talk to you, about last night.

Jen: Look, its okay, we don't have to talk about last night if you don't want to.

Ben: But I do want to, there are some things I think I should clear up about last night.

Jen: Only if your sure you want to.

Ben: I'm sure.

Jen: Well tell me what you feel you need to. I'm all ears, and I'm here for you.

Ben: Thanks, that's good to know.

Ben then proceeded to tell her everything about what had led up to her having to pick him up from the bar last night. About the weird dream he had with John, and how that shook him up. He then told her about why he drank so much last night, about the voices in his head. After he was done telling her everything, she immediately made her way over to him and wrapped her arms around him in a loving, caring hug. After a moment or two, Jen spoke, her voice full of care and sympathy.

Jen: Oh Ben, I can't even imagine what its like to be going through what your going through. I won't even pretend that I understand, just know that I will always be here for you. Whether you need someone to talk to, or to just be with you and do nothing, I will always be here for you.

Ben: Thanks Jen, that means a lot to me. Knowing that you'll always be there.

Jen:  Well of course I'll always be there for you, just like John is always there for you.

Ben: Yeah, that's why I love him.

Jen: Yeah, he is a really great guy.

Ben: I miss him a lot. I just hope he wakes up soon.

Jen: Yeah, so do I. And hopefully he wakes up soon, I mean, he can't be comatose forever.

Ben: I guess your right.

Jen: Well of course I am! Would you like to go over and see him? We have plenty of time before the kids come back from school.

Ben: Sure, I would like to go see him very much.

Jen: Well then, lets go! The sooner we get there, the longer you can spend time with him. Plus Korey might want to see us, it has been a few days since we last dropped in.

Ben: Well like you said, lets get going then!

Ben and Jen made their way out of the house and made sure to lock the door, before heading over to Ben's car. They then got in and buckled up and Ben proceeded to put the key in the ignition. Once the car was started, he quickly made his way to the hospital to see John and Korey.

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