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It was around 6pm and meliodas had just knocked on bans door. He could hear the rustling of chain locks hitting the plastic coat of the door as ban undid them. "you in jail or something" meliodas said mockingly as the door swung open. Ban grabbed meliodas by his wrist and pushed him up the stairs, not saying a word. "what are you doing" meliodas asked to no reply as he was pushed into ban's bedroom. The room was decorated with red bedsheets and curtains, a hardwood floor and brown furniture along a lot of the walls and a picture of their old friends called "the seven deadly sins" was on the windowsill. Ban pushed meliodas onto the bottom of the bed and finally spoke "you remember p.e? I want this to be my revenge" he said with a grin filling his face. Meliodas blushed, he had always had a bit of a thing for ban but Elizabeth came to fill that gap in more ways than one. "f..fine,but if you tell Elizabeth I will end your bloodline" he said blushing as he did so. Ban flipped meliodas over and pulled his underwear down his legs. Meliodas squirmed in  embarrassment, pleasure and excitement. Ban pulled down his trousers too, his hard member was bigger than meliodas had expected. Meliodas shut his eyes as ban pushed the member into his  hole. Ban pushed meliodas front half down as he started to rock his hips back and forth. Meliodas fists held tight to ban's red bed sheets as the blush filled his face. He was warm all  over and tingling as ban kept going in and out, becoming less painful each thrust. Ban pulled meliodas hair so his head was up from the quilt. "what's wrong captain?" ban taunted to meliodas as his breaths became heavier. Meliodas cock was just as hard as it gets for Elizabeth, meliodas smiled as tears ran from his eyes down his cheeks and onto ban's quilt. Ban reached around meliodas legs and grabbed his erect cock, he slowly started to move his hand up and down the member as meliodas sighed in both pleasure and agony. Ban pulled out and flipped meliodas small body over and further onto ban's bed. Meliodas could feel the breeze from the open window over his nipples as they hardened. Ban pulled meliodas up to his face using hit school tie, he lay down on the bed as meliodas sat on his member, ban pulled the tie and released it, causing meliodas to rock forward and backwards. Ban could practically see every breath meliodas took, he could also feel them on his face as meliodas looked down on him. Bans member stiffened and moved, meliodas could feel a sweet release of hot, thick liquid into his hole. At the same time meliodas came too, the watery liquid sqirted all over ban's chest and face. Meliodas pulled himself away from bans body as ban hoisted himself up so his back was on his pillows "you're going to be sore tomorrow" he said to Meliodas who was walking into ban's shower to clean off. "tell Elizabeth and you die" meliodas said with a stern expression.

meliodas x ban (nanatsu no taizai)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang