Stage kiss

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So I just deleted all my work lmao i love blackbear too so


"IM SO EXCITED" you yelled. "Are you alright?" Your best friend, abril, asked then laughed. "IM MEETING SAM AND COLBY" you yelled again "I know you have said it more than 100 times" you laughed. "Sorry i'm just so excited! They might let us fans stage kiss them" she nodded and went on her phone.

You went to the living room to chill for a bit. And abril went to her room.

After a while you decided to get some sleep for tomorrow. You went upstairs to your room and changed into some shorts and a hoodie, you plugged in your phone and went under the covers and soon you fell asleep. Still excited for tomorrow.

-the next morning-

You woke up at 8am and immediately went to take a shower. After you did that you went to your closet and picked out an outfit. You went with an adidas crop top, leggings, a green jacket and some adidas.

After you dressed you did some simple makeup, I mean who were you trying to impress? Oh wait...
eh its fine. You usually didn't take much interest in your appearance. As long as you didn't look like you just came out of a dumpster it was fine.

You finished with some lipstick and you were done. You decided no to breakfast and that you would eat later.

You said goodbye to your best friend and got in your car to head to the meet and greet. "AHHHH IM MEETING SAM AND COLBY" you yelled in the car. The entire way there you couldn't stop smiling like an idiot. Here we go...

-at the meet and greet-

Ok ok im here on time. You went through the doors that led to the place it was happening. You wandered around for a bit while you waited for it to start. Finally it was 9:30 which means it was starting.

You got in line to meet Sam and Colby. You peeked around the people in front of you and saw them.

"Omg omg omg omg its THEM OH MY GOOOOODD" you said to yourself in your mind.
You peeked around again and saw that they were doing stage kisses. You got even more excited knowing you would be that close to them.

You waited for about 10 minutes and then there was only 3 people in front of you. Out of nowhere the girl Colby was stage kissing moved her fingers so she actually kissed him. You cringed. You would not do that. As huge of a crush you had on Colby you would never want to make him uncomfortable.

You tensed up a bit as Sam hugged the girl in front you and she left. You smiled and Sam opened his arms for a hug. You practically ran into them and hugged him tight. You idolized these people in front of you. You were only a year younger than both of them.

After you let go of sam you moved to Colby and before you hugged he looked you up and down then stared into your eyes. You saw a sparkle. You widened your eyes a bit but quickly returned to your normal smile. He smiled back at you and then you hugged him. It lasted a bit longer than it did with Sam, you felt safe for some reason in his arms.

After pulling away Sam asked you "so whats your name?" You smiled and said "y/n" "thats a beautiful name" Colby said. "Thank you" you blushed a bit. He smirked "nice to meet you y/n. How old are you?" Sam asked. "Im 21" you said. "Thats nice" sam said. "I don't assume you want a stage kiss?" Colby said. You smiled "sure". He nodded and then put his hands on the side of your face with his thumbs together.

You started to lean in as he did and you were caught by surprise when Colby moved his thumbs out of the way. You ended up actually kissing him. You pulled away and looked at him wide eyed.

He only smirked and said "nice meeting you y/n" sam waved. You nodded but before you could go Colby grabbed your hand and slipped a piece of paper into it. You walked away.

-time skip to later-

You left the building and headed to your car, the events that happened still playing in your head. Did the Colby Brock just kiss you?

As you got into your car you looked at the slip of paper he passed you. It was his number. Did he just have this in his pocket?

You went home and decided to try and get your mind off it.

-time skip to night-

You decided that you were done and grabbed your phone then typed in his number.

Y/n: hey. Its y/n

You texted

He responded a minute later

Colby: hey! I didn't think you would text.
Y/n: why not?
Colby: I mean a girl as gorgeous as you probably already has a boyfriend and I'm a little weird giving you my number.
Y/n: hahaha I actually don't have a boyfriend.
Colby: WHAT?!
Y/n: is that surprising?
Colby: a little
Y/n: OH OK
Colby: 😂
Y/n: why did you actually kiss me?
Colby: because I take chances
Y/n: little risky don't ya think?
Colby: bit
Y/n: fair enough
Colby: I actually wanted to ask you... would you maybe want to hangout sometime? I would like to get to know you better.
Y/n: I would like that :)
Colby: GREAT
Colby: I mean... yeah cool
Y/n: 😂
Colby: ok how about I pick you up saturday? At 7?
Y/n: yeah sure.
Colby: alright its a date
Colby: I uh mean if you want it to be
Y/n: I think I would like it to be a date
Colby: YES!
Y/n: hahahaha
Colby: alright well nice talking to you y/n, see you soon.
Y/n: nice talking to you too colby, see you soon
Colby: ❤️?

You laughed and put your phone on your bedside table.
You couldn't wait for saturday.


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