Loving Ed

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  • Dedicated to Ed Sheeran :D

Chapter 1.

The night I met my husband was the best night of my life, to say the least. Even though he'd had no idea that I'd even existed, only that I came to hear his music. I was just another fan, and I thought I'd never even get to say a word to him. I was wrong on so many levels.


As the last notes of the A-Team rang out, the crowd cheered wildly. They demanded encores, proclaimed their love for the beautiful man onstage, and shouted out song requests.. but he quietly 'shh'd them.

"Thank you so much for coming out, showing up, and enjoying my music. You've all been one of the most amazing crowds I've played to. Thank you. I love you all. goodnight."

More cheering ensued as he walked offstage, smiling. I couldn't even speak, taking in the pure perfection that my ears had been exposed to. I had to.meet him.

I'd brought a CD for him to sign, and I'd had so many things I wanted to say to him. sadly, this wasn't a show where he would come out and meet his fans.. I wept a little at that thought as I walked home.

About halfway there, it began to rain. As it poured, I just thought of the concert, and how privileged I was to have seen him. A few minutes later, a car pulled up beside me. I walked faster, afraid for my safety.

It pulled to a stop, and I started to run as a figure exited the car.

"Miss! Wait, please!"

That voice.. it couldn't be. Maybe the rain had distorted it.. I stopped dead in my tracks.

I heard his tromping footsteps on the rain-soaked sidewalk.

The figure grabbed my arm, pulling me around to face him.

"Miss please. I only wanted to give you a ride. I couldn't let you walk in the rain."

"Oh um. Um.. thank you."

He pulled his hood down, and I couldn't believe my eyes. Before me, hand outstretched, was Ed Sheeran.

"What do you say?"


Loving EdWhere stories live. Discover now