Gems: Prologue

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Introducing Leigha Myres!!

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Clutching a notebook close to my chest, I watched the trees zip by as my mother drove me to my first day of high school. Every person should really be nervous when starting freshman year...but this year was different for me. Spending your whole summer wondering if your parents ever loved each other isn’t every kid’s dream. Or worrying about who you’re going to live with-since they were getting divorced. All last week my mom made ridiculous calls to the school that she doesn’t want my dad to be an emergency contact. My mom has custody of me now. She always said my dad was a "failed writer". 

Mom doesn't accept it, but I'm like my dad. I love to read and write. I can video chat him...but that's really it.

My mom's honking of the horn interrupted my thoughts. "Move it, people!" She yelled. The windows are up and no one can hear you, mother. 
In a ridiculous pantsuit, my mom was in a rush to get to work. She’s an assistant to this creepy casino owner. Who I remember, couldn’t stop checking her out when she had to bring me with her during her interview.

Just around the corner of the school parking lot, I could already see the football boys crowded over their fancy cars and trucks, smoking Juuls, cigarettes...probably weed too. Sighing, I could also see the pretty girls taking pictures near their cars, posing in positions to make their non-existent rear ends look bigger. The cheerleaders and dancers gathered near their boyfriends and began gossiping. 

Most of the people I was friends with was at my old middle school. Since my parents are divorced, I had to move away from the high school that was near my old home, where they were all going.  My mother glanced at me a bit, "Now put a smile on that face and make some new friends, sweetie." My mother said, but not as real as I wished. Pulling over by the sidewalk, she picked up her phone and tapped away with her annoying acrylic nails. "Have a good day." She said again, with no emotion this time. 

Slowly sliding out of the car, I closed the door and walked away. Ignoring my mom hurrying to zip away, I trudged up the sidewalk towards the school. Everyone around me was at least walking with someone. I was by myself. I knew most likely I will sit by myself in my classes, at lunch, too. I looked up at the sky, seeing pigeons, crows soaring over me. Probably laughing at me, as I enter a place where I’ll be trapped and controlled. Where they can be free and soar in the sky. I always wondered what it would be like to I can fly far away from here.

Heading towards the back building of the school where (of course) my first class was, I slowly walked into my creative writing class. Some other early kids sat there, typing away at their fancy laptops. I sat farther away from everyone, slowly putting down my notebook. I thought about all my story ideas, but really? I was daydreaming about me in a parallel universe. One where I’m happy, roaming unknown places. Strong with cool powers that make me invincible...falling in love maybe? 

My...I read too many books. I wish for things that aren’t even real. 

But oh how ironic that sounded then...

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It's short, but it's a start. I hope ya'll will like my story!

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