Chapter Eight

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I blink. "Your horse?"

He turns on his heels and almost stumbles on the debris. "My horse, oh gods..."

"Hey wait up!" I shout, following after him. "You can't leave," I trip on a table and tumble to the ground, scratching myself up on the broken glass. I can still feel the heat of the just recently burning ground, I mutter a small curse and push myself off the floor before he can get away.

By the time I'm standing he is already racing to the barn. "Hey! I need to know what happened here!"

Once he reaches the barn he stares at the door blocked by debris and runs his hand through his wavy black hair. "Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t..."

I reach him and stand at his side. The horse he is trying to get to must be inside. I can't see it from the angle I'm at but before when I was in the mansion I could tell that the roof of the barn was broken in. It probably isn't alive anymore.

The guy doesn't wait for more than a second and bends down to lift the debris, I can't imagine anyone with the strength to move everything, you would need at least ten men to get it any more than an inch. I decide to help him anyway.

"Sh*t my horse is in there, sh*t..."

When he realizes there's no way we can move the blockage he slumps down. I examine him, the way his face contorts into something of frustration and sorrow. He looks back at the demolished house and sighs. Something flickers in his eyes but before I can begin to question what it is he stands and returns to trying to move the wreckage.

I'm surprised at his determination and astonished by his foolishness. No amount of pulling can clear the barn doors.

Instead of helping him this time I tighten the strap on my bag and begin to climb over the broken beams and smashed trees onto the wall of the barn. I feel as if the wood between my fingers will break at any moment. I hold on tightly and kick off my ankle boots, hoping my toes will better help my grip onto the wall. I reach the top and look down. The horse lays there, pinned under wood from the ceiling. I can't tell whether she's dead or unconscious. I look back down at the black haired boy. "Your horse is—"

He finishes the statement for me, "Unconscious, I know. Do you see a way we can get her out and to safety?" His voice is rough with grief, I wish I could help him more.

"No..." I pause, looking at the strap of the bag Alti gave me, "Unless... I might have an idea!" I shout.

"Do it then!"

I plan the easiest way down, soon enough I'm picking my way through the wood shards to the horse, she's waking up and is very scared. When I reach her I sit and touch my fingers to her head. The mark on my hand that Venia gave me starts to glow. I don't know what it means but I take it as a hint I should continue. I close my eyes and stroke the horse until it falls asleep. In the near distance, I hear a roar, unmistakably from a Kalx Serpent.

I act before I can think, pushing the wood off the horse, slinging the bag off my back and opening the drawstring as wide as it can go.

"I sure hope this bag really does fit anything." I start to shimmy the horse in headfirst, praying to whatever gods are on my side that this horse does not wake up.

The horse is big but the drawstring top seems to open bigger. I'm filled with surprise and a hint of pride, the Kalx serpent roars again, much closer this time. I gingerly put the bag on my back, just in case the horse is rocked around by outside movement.

I start to scale the wall, it seems harder to climb this time, my fingers can't get a good grip on the wood planks. I can hear the serpent roar again, it's thunderous sound causing me to lose my grip. My right fingers are the only thing keeping me from swinging out wildly.

I do my best to get back up. From my little spot perched on top of the wall, I can see the beast. His magnificent wings spread out, his nose up, searching a smell. I realize this, moments too late, and his beady eyes lock with mine. I tumble off the wall, hurtling to the ground, I'm sure I'm gonna fall and be too injured to stand when the bag snags onto a splitting piece of wood. A yelp escapes my mouth an I do my best to regain control. I fumble for a handhold. I can faintly hear the black haired boy calling out desperately below me.

"Hurry! It's coming! Hurry! Sh*t! It's—"

"I am WELL AWARE that it's coming," I say through clenched teeth as I make my way down the wall. I make it foot further when another roar catches me off guard. I do my best to break my fall on my way down, bend my legs, and roll once I hit the bottom. I'm sore and almost positive I fractured something but the adrenaline keeps me going.

The boy rushes to my side and does his best to pick me up. My legs hurt but other than that my spine seems to be okay.

"My horse, Cela, do you know how to get her?" He frantically asks.

"I have her," I groan a little.

He turns me around. "Listen I need that horse, where is she?"

"I said I have her, gods, shut up and trust me."

He does his best to remain calm, his anger, however, shows through, "Then where is she?"

"She's in my bag, don't question it please, it's magic or something." Before I can react he is behind me, fumbling to take off my bag. Once it's off he holds it in front of my face. "Get her out."

I set the drawstring bag on the floor and open it, a large brown horse climbs out. "See? All safe." I'm relieved the horse wasn't upset about being stuffed in a bag.

The boy grabs my arm and swings me onto the horse. I barely have time to grab the bag before we're galloping away. The roar fades and I drift into sleep.

~~~ Authors Note~~~

Dear Readers, 

Thank you so much for supporting me as I get back into writing. I put lot's of effort into my stories so if you're enjoying the story so far you should hit the little star, or even better, add a comment, or recommend this to someone! Thank you!


Alex Sands

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