Chapter One: New Planet - Remnant

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So, hello, hi. If you're here from my RWBY story, I have a chapter that I'm working on, but I'm prolly not gonna finish it any time soon. And, if you're not, hi! Welcome to my newest story! This is, as the description said, a crossover between RWBY and Astroneer. If you don't know what that is, I suggest you get it. It's really fun. Anyway, onto your regularly scheduled program.
3rd POV
It all started when he found a new planet. He didn't know how he didn't notice it before, but he sees it now. This planet, according to his database, is called Remnant. However, what really interested him was that its primary resource was Dust. He'd never heard of that. So, he packed up his large shuttle with everything he'd need- a shelter, a large rover and everything that needs to go with it. Now, he'd bring an oxygenator, but, in the gasses section of Remnant's log, it had Oxygen. So, he won't need it. And with that, he took off. Also, he took a beacon so he knows where his base is. The shelter may give you an automatic beacon, but it's always good to have a separate beacon. Now, he arrived in Remnant's orbit fairly quickly - a fully stocked Hydrazine thruster's pretty fast - and saw a bunch of buildings. He made note of them compared to where he was gonna land, and landed. He touched down in a large clearing in the middle of a red forest. He quickly set everything up, putting the rover seat in the large rover, putting 5 RTGs on the various sockets and getting ready to go.
In Beacon
Team RWBY was called up to Ozpin's office. The intercom said it was an emergency, so they made haste. When they arrived in Ozpin's office, this occurred.

Ozpin: "Hello, team RWBY. Now, as you have heard, this is urgent. See, an unidentified flying craft has touched down in Forever Fall. We want you to investigate it immediately and, if there's anyone there, bring them here."

Ruby: "Yes, sir! When do we leave?"

Ozpin: "Now. You will be given further details on the bullhead. Now, get going."

With that, the team made its way to the bullhead.
With our astronaut
As Astro(easier than Astronaut) was setting everything up, he heard a growl. Now, he doesn't know anything that growls and has his shelter set up, so he bolts into the shelter and locks the door. Out from the surrounding trees comes about 15 Beowolves. They walk towards the shelter, being supremely confused. One tried to slice the shelter open, but only manages to scrape it.
Timeskip of 15 minutes brought to you by me dying
Even after 15 minutes, the Beowolves are still there. However, Astro can hear something like the blades of a wind turbine. He looks through the window to see a flying device that he doesn't know. When it touches down, 4 girls come out of it. One red, one yellow, one black and one white. The girls see the Beowolves and immediately get to work. After about a minute, all the Beowolves are dead and the girls are looking around in wonder at the unfamiliar stuff. It was then that Astro decided to open the shelter door and greet the girls.
Astro's POV
I may as well say hi.

When Astro opens the door, the girls all look at him. He waves at them.

???: "Oh my Oum, are you a real astronaut?!"

The one in red is quick to notice his attire, it seems.

???: "Of course not, Ruby. There is no way to get past the atmosphere."

The now named Ruby retorts.

Ruby: "But, Weiss, look! He has a spaceship and everything!"

So... That one's Ruby and that one's Weiss. Who are the other two?

Astro quickly signals that his ship does, in fact, work.

Weiss: "Well, how does it work, then?"

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