No more lives left. Part 1

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People always say that if you talk about your nightmares it'll make you feel better, but what these dreams were reality and once we die in them we come back to "the real world" and then, just like in a video game, we're given an extra life for your next nightmare what if the life in our dreams are us?

I awoke in a dark black room. Was I not just playing video game? "Where are we? I heard a voice say coming from ever which direction. "Who's there?" I asked. I felt as though someone else was controlling me and I was only watching this from a different point of view that wasn't supposed to be there. "WELL WHO DO YOU THINK?"he yelled at the top of his lungs "I don't know cause I just got here" I interjected his snarky remark before he could begin cursing. "Well then if your so smart you two were are we" another voice joined in. "I thought I was in the carnival" a young girls voice sounded; she didn't sound scared but more a little edgy like she was ready to fight at any moment, then again that's how I feel. "I thought I was at a party and just went into 10 minute of heaven" a dumb sounding football player said. "Ten minutes?" I questioned. "OOOOOOHHH YAAAAA" then I heard some guys hooting "Hey guys what are you doing here?" he asked to the hooting voices. "We came in to cheek every minute but no one ever came back out!" One yelled and then they all started to yell in agreement. "Can you shut the fuck up!?" I heard the little girl scream over the annoying men and then I snickered at her feistiness. "WHAT," when of the man said "DID THAT LTTLE GIRL JUST TELL ME TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!?!" "YA AND IF YOU DON'T I'LL SNAP YOU NECK IN HALF ALONG WITH YOU SKULL THAT APPARENTLY HAS NO BRAIN INSIDE!!!!!!" "what?" he asked confused clearly not getting the burn she just did, "how does it have no........ HEY!" he yelled and that got everyone snickering everyone started snickering.

All of a sudden a bright light filled the horribly dark room and I was able to catch a glimpse at at-least 15 people in the room: the foot ball players witch was about 6, the little girl, the man I first spoke to, the third man who chimed after the second man, a girl who looked around my age but a lot tougher, a small girl who looked maybe 2 years younger then me but allot geekier, 3 other guys in a small group that to me looked like a gang and me. We all started to pile into the next room and to our surprise there were instructions, there were only 3. 

1. Make 3 captains

2. Make 3 groups of 5

3. Try and survive

The last part made everyone silent. I knew were we were. "What is everyones biggest fear?" I asked and they all stared at me quizzically, the little girl spoke up first "Clowns!" she yelled a little cause we were quite from each other, the little geek girl suddenly understood what i was getting at "You don't think....."she started and then said "For things not to make sense" here biggest fear was now one of my fears cause soon things weren't going to make sense "Lava lamps" the guy I first spoke to said "What's your name?" I asked him "Gilbert" he told me. "My biggest fear is having footballs chase after me instead of me chase after it" the football player told me and then they all agreed with him, it seemed they would always agree with him, probably cause they were a team, suddenly one guy spoke up "My biggest fear is to be separated from my team" he said and they all looked surprised; I was not. "makes sense since we need to be separated into groups of five and there's six of you" He suddenly looked scared. "Clearly this girl is gonna be one of our captains" the lonely tough girl said with a coy smile. "Good cause I wanted you, that girl," I pointed to the geeky one "and little miss sunshine" I said while pointing to the little girl and she trotted over to my little group "that's only four she pointed out" I looked around and then said  "the boy who's afraid to be split up from his team" I said "WHAT?!" He yelled "WHY?!" "because if you face your fears now it'll be easier for you to face them later" I said, he looked like he understood but he was still reluctant to come lucky for me he always took orders from captains. The rest of them teamed up and once we were all in groups the floor suddenly disappears out of thin air and we were all catapulted down a series of slides.

No more lives left.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz