Future Boyfriend

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The title for this in my google docs was "ABOUT TIME YOU WROTE SOMETHING FOR THIS PAIRING YOU FUCKER"
Anyways, enjoy.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself in my lab, Stark."

Tony jumped at the voice of a young teen; he looked up to spot the King's sister, Shuri, Peter trailing behind her, and he gave the two an easy smile. "It's incredible. I've never gotten to work with this much- well, actually any vibranium before."

"For a beginner you seem to be managing well," Shuri said, looking surprised at the half-finished high-tech vibranium arm Tony was working on. The genius' grin widened.

"He's the smartest person I know," Peter said matter-of-factly and Shuri glanced at him for a second, then back to Tony.

"Oh really?" she said, one eyebrow arching in a silent challenge. Tony waved her off.

"Let me finish this new arm in peace," he said, still smiling at the teens. "This old one's getting..." Tony lifted his right arm, which was made entirely of a metal alloy similar to his suits. "Well, old."

Shuri snorted at his choice of words. "Okay, okay. We'll get out of your hair. But I can bet the White Wolf will be wanting a similar arm."

Now it was Tony's turn to snort. "He's got you making his high-tech arms; what the hell does he need me for?"

"Uh, everything?" Peter chimed in. "You're a genius."

"So's she, kid," Tony said, gesturing to Shuri with his robotic arm. Since he'd snapped the gauntlet to stop Thanos' army, he'd had a metal arm. The snap had caused the doctor's to have to amputate his arm, and scarring on the side of his face was irreversible. He'd tried to get it fixed, surgeon after surgeon trying, and though it had been lessened, it was still there, a ghastly reminder of what he'd done and sacrificed for the world.

Shuri shot Peter a pointed look after Tony spoke. "We'll leave you be."

"Bye, Mr Stark!" Peter called as he and Shuri left; Tony got a glimpse of the wakandian playfully shoving the spider-kid out through the door. He let out a small sigh; he was glad they'd hit it off so well and become such fast friends. Tony found he'd been warming up to Shuri's brother, the King, during their stay in Wakanda.

He and Peter were there as part of a program/idea Nick Fury had to keep Wakanda as allies. Tony was sure this was to do with their resources, and not so much the fate of the actual universe. Nick Fury had wanted to send Sam with them, but Tony knew he was the best hope of keeping New York well-guarded, since he was the new Captain America (Falcon America? Captain Falcon?).

So instead Bucky had been sent with them; probably a good choice, since the former HYDRA agent was so familiar with Wakanda. Tony had heard he'd been spending most of the time tending to the goat herd he'd been forced to leave behind during the Wakandan battle against Thanos.

Nick Fury had briefed them on what they'd be doing here; just a stay, admiring the place, kind of like a holiday. To keep the peace, he'd said. They'd spent a week running through Wakandan customs, on how to act around the King and on the traditions. By the time he was getting on a plane to Wakanda, Tony felt confident enough that he wouldn't trip over his own feet trying not to offend anyone.

He was prepared to be shown their tech, to maybe have to participate in some of their rituals (and by "participate" he meant stand silently and watch unless he was spoken to or actually asked to join in) and maybe, just maybe get to experiment with a little of the Vibranium.

He didn't expect such a warm welcome upon his arrival, nor did he expect anyone to know who he was. Word of him snapping Thanos' army out of existence must have spread. He really didn't expect the King to be waiting for his arrival, nor did he expect said King to be really, really attractive.

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