Truth or Dare (part 1)

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Narrator's pov

Cressie's curiosity obsessed on who was the absent student that she asked Erika to check the academic history of Christian Dray.

Cressie's pov
August 5, 2019, 7:02 p.m.

"Hey Erika, can you do something for me?"

"I am at your disposal, Cressie."

"Can you find any report cards, or any intel on the person Christian Isaac Dray?"

Erika was at first stunned of the fact that Cressie wanted her to search something about a boy. Even though it was weird it, it was still her duty to fulfill her wishes.

"Very well. It shall be delivered to your email at 8:30 p.m. sharp."

"Thank you"

8:00 p.m.

A new email? I guess Erika was faster than I thought.

As I read through the email sent by Erika, I felt both pity and disgust, reading through what happened to his junior high life. Each action he took was disgraceful and his absences were almost 50 days rach year. Although his grades are truly outstanding, I guess there was a rose amongst those thorns.

I continued reading as it eventually started getting boring... and boring... and boring... Other than his inteligence and absences, there wasn't anything interesting. Then somethimg caught my eye.

There was no pictures of him anywhere. From his report cards, to his school Ids.
It was weird.

Knowing this information, Cressie's curiosity pained her to find out what he looks like.

It's already 9:02 I should rest, as I said those words I got a notification. It was another email sent by Erika with the intel of Christian with a note for apologizing for it being late.

Without delay, I read it. But for some reason, the only thing here was just his grades and absences. There was nothing about his actions whatsoever.

I was weirded out since the same email sent the information, I'm not sure if Erika even knew about the first one. I guess she might have made a mistake? It's weird having Erika and mistake in the same sentence.

Well, I better get my rest now. Atleast I know where he is seating.

August 6, 2019
7:23 a.m.

I was devestated when I saw everyone chsnged their seets, even my seat yesterday was taken. Now there were 3 spots left. It was in  the 4th row all ligning up from the center to it's right near the lockers. Naturally Erika and I sat next to each other on the center seats, but it was almost time for class and the seat on my right was still empty. Well, it's none of my concern.

When the teacher was about to start the class, I noticed a shadow near the door, it looked as if someone was behind it. And turns out I was right, because as the teacher started, a boy directly opened and walked through the door. It seemed like the other students ignored him.

"Ah, late again Mr. Dray.", the teacher said annoyed.

"I was in a middle of somethimg.", the boy said.

"I shall be taking attendance now."

The only thing I could have thought about was "middle my ass!" I saw him right outside the door waiting.

"Hey, you got late on purpose didn't you.", I whisperred.

"I saw your shadow at the glass of the door, you were behind it."

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