Chapter 2

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The door opens slowly but loudly. Everyone in the church turn their heads around to see who entered the church. It's Dewey. He comes in all bloody, exactly how he was after he was shot. His face is full of anger.

Cassandra and Emily were following behind. Seems as if everyone who had died has come back to life. Everybody was shocked. Dewey started walking towards Allie, clearly angry, yelling so loud and talking so fast that no one could understand him. Allie was slightly terrified but she could fight for herself, after she shot Dewey she believed she can do anything.

The sight of her sister quickly caught her eye. She got away from Dewey and went up to her sister. She hugged her so tight. People were staring because, in reality, nobody was there. No Dewey, no Cassandra, no Emily. Harry is the only person that knew about these things that Allie would see, he's the only person that knows how to calm her so he took her to a little area in the back and talked to her. People were obviously confused because nobody knows about Allie and Harry except for Grizz, Becca, Campbell, Sam, and Elle.

Scene changes to Grizz and Sam in Sam's room

Grizz: I feel so bad for her, she has to and has been through so much, I'm just glad she has Harry by her side.
Sam: Me too. I'm glad I have you on my side.
Grizz: Do you think it's fair that Harry let Allie not be a hostage because they're dating but not let Will our?
Sam: No, not at all but we don't have a say, we just go along with whatever happens.
Grizz: Yeah.

Sam and Grizz were all smiley and spent the rest of the afternoon in bed cuddling and talking.

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