Chapter Fifteen

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Hope you enjoy some action!

Chapter Fifteen:

I couldn't stop thinking about why Draco told me to stay here. It was bothering me. Normally I never listened to anything like that, but he sounded so serious. The portal opened and I sat up anxiously to see who it was. Most people were already here."Carlie!" Veronica yelled as she ran into the common room. I have been sitting on the couch for hours just waiting for Draco or Veronica to get back. I haven't seen either of them for a while.


"Veronica, there you are!" I said sighing in relief. "Where have you been?"


"The library, but that's not the point!" she snapped and I noticed the look of pure shock plastered on her face. "Carlie...something's happening upstairs." What was she talking about? Just then almost every student that wasn't already in the common room came rushing in. Suddenly it was packed, but no Draco. Dasha and Eowyn spotted Veronica and I and rushed over.


"Do you know what's going on?" Eowyn asked quickly. "Why were we sent back to the common room? What's happening?" I looked at Veronica questionably, she was trying to tell me. Everyone was piling in and many people were heading up to their dorms, until it was just a few of us downstairs.


"Listen," Veronica said turning to us. "Go to your dorms, trust me. You don't want to be around for this." Dasha and Eowyn shared a fearful look before rushing upstairs. I didn't move.


"What did you see?" I asked her.


"The dark mark..." she began saying and I felt my heart stop. "Carlie, there's Death Eater's in the castle." My head began spinning. Draco was up there. Did he have something to, he couldn't. He wouldn't do that.


"Come on," I said grabbing her arm and dragging her towards the door. "Let's go." She nodded in agreement. She would have probably gone even without my help. It wasn't like Snape was around to stop everyone. We ran down the dungeon hallway and up the stairs. I had to find Draco, just to see that he wasn't hurt.


When we got to the main level, it was complete chaos. When Veronica said there were Death Eaters, she meant the worst of the worst Death Eaters. There must have been about thirty of them, but not to mention aurors and Order members were running everywhere. Then I spotted members of the Dumbledore's Army were running around, which reminded me of Jake. What if Jake was actually in the building? I haven't seen him in nearly a year. "Carlie get down!" Veronica yelled and pulled me to the floor as a spell shot over me.


She took something black out of her pocket and slammed it onto the ground, causing the entire hallway to be filled with thick black smoke. "What did you do?" I asked her, this was exactly what had happened on the train.


"Fred and George," she quickly explained as she dragged me down the hallway and we ran out of the smoke. I glanced over to my left and saw the Dark Mark lit up in the sky. She was right, something was happening.


"I'm going to find Draco," I said to her and she nodded.


"I'm going to see if Fred and George are here," she answered. "I know they're somehow involved with the Order." We gave each other a quickly smile before taking off, wishing the other the best. She ran back down the clouded hallway and I ran up to the next level. I needed to find Draco. Death Eaters were everywhere, there were even more up on this level as they fought off members of the Order.


I recognized Lupin but didn't bother stopping to talk to him, he seemed to be in control of his fight. He was fighting off one of the nastier Death Eaters I had met over the summer. I ran quickly, avoiding all spells shot in my direction and even jumped over someone on the floor. They were a Death Eater. I saw their arm. Someone was shooting spells at me and I turned around and shot one back, knocking them over quickly. As I turned the corner I crashed into someone almost knocking me over and I screamed. When I reopened my was Jake. "Jake..." I said before he pulled me into a crushing hug.


"Carlie," he said hugging me tightly and I hugged him back. "You are okay," he began to say. I wish we could stop and talk, but it was a little to dangerous for that now. "What are you doing out here? You're insane, get back to the common room! Come on," he grabbed my wrist and began pulling me back down the hall.


"Stop!" I said, but he didn't stop pulling me down the hall. "Stop Jake I don't want to go back to the common room." He stopped and looked at me like I had a million heads.


"Are you serious? Don't you see what's going on? You have to get out of here," he said quickly. "Carlie, you're father is here. I saw him a few minutes ago, if he see's you..." Desmond was here. That definitely wasn't going to make my day any easier, but I wasn't turning around.


"I'm sorry but I have to find Draco!" I said quickly to him trying to pass him but he put an arm around my waist and kept me from running. I looked at his face and he had a dark expression. I noticed his arm was bleeding, he was injured.


"He's a Death Eater Carlie!" Jake yelled at me angrily. "Alright? You think I'm kidding? I saw it! We all saw it! You're a complete idiot if you think he's innocent. He let the Death Eaters in the castle! And you want him to be safe? If anyone else gets killed, it's his fault!" Jake was now screaming as he looked at me.


"Wait...anyone else?" I asked. Someone died?


"Dumbledore is dead because of him!" he screamed and my heart sank. No that wasn't possible. That couldn't be true. Jake was just trying to scare me into running back to my common room. I know Draco. He wouldn't kill anyone. "He has been trying to kill Dumbledore all year, on top of letting the Death Eater's into the castle. He cursed the necklace that almost killed Katie Bell and he poisoned the wine that Ron drank."


"He killed Dumbledore?" I asked tears forming in my eyes.


"No, Snape did," Jake said. I couldn't even control what I was feeling at the moment. I felt tears burn against my eyes but they couldn't fall. I just needed too...confirm it myself. Jake was lying. He had to be.


"You're lying," I said pushing him away. "You've always hated him! You just want me to run, you're a liar." I screamed and ran down the hall as he ran after me. There was absolutely no way. He was running after me but I didn't want him to catch me.


"You think I'm lying?" he yelled back. "You're just in denial." Everyone was saying that to me and I was absolutely sick of it.


"You're just pissed that I love him and not you," I shot back and watched his face sank. Maybe that was taking it too far, but it got him off my back. I glared before turning around the corner and running on. I just had to find him. Jake was lying. I was more than sure of it.

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