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She stretched, yawning a bit, as she walked into her guild. Early mornings were never that great for her, it always took a while before she truly got going. It was why she had asked Loke to meet her here, he was terrible when it came to indulging her lazy habits, always willing to spend extra time with her in bed. 

They were going to leave with the rest of the team on a job later that day, but she figured if she got here early and got some drinks down her, she might actually be awake when the others show up. She started to look through the chaos that was the guildhall for her orange haired lion, seriously with a mane like that you'd think he would be easy to spot, though she supposed dodging chairs and fistfights made it a little harder. Jumping out of the way of a glass mug, Mirajane's going to be angry they've broken another one, she finally spotted him relaxing at the far corner of the guild. It made sense he would want to keep out of this mess so early in the morning. He had his elbow rested on a table, head in his hand, as it looked like he was dozing off. He looked so sweet while he was that relaxed,why that easy smile was just- wait a second, was that a-? She moved a little closer, trying not to catch his attention now as she inspected him more closely. Yes it was! His tongue was out, just a little bit, poking through his lips. He didn't even seem to notice what he was doing. She had to cover her mouth to hold in her little squee of happiness, but that didn't stop her manic grin. By the stars he looked so cute...and so silly, just like a kitten really. Her eyes darted around the room, looking for a certain...Ah there he is! She carefully moved back across the guild, desperate to not disturb Loke and the moment he was having. She sneaked her way over to reach Reedus, drawing away in his sketchbook. He caught sight of her and smiled politely.

"Hello Lu-"

She quickly shushed him, turning to make sure Loke hadn't heard, the mere mention of her name would attract his attention for sure. He raised a brow at her and she pointed to Loke, trying to get Reedus to see what she had. He looked over, but still seemed confused as to what was going on, not that she could blame him. This kind of thing wasn't really what you looked for in people. Getting an idea, she mimed drawing to him and he seemed to understand that much. Since, even though he was still bewildered, he turned to a new piece of paper and started drawing out a quick sketch. He suddenly paused as he started drawing in Loke's facial features, looking up at her in amusement. She grinned, glad they were finally on the same wavelength. He nodded at her as he continued to draw, confirmation he would save this moment in art for her. She almost danced in delight, instead she place a few jewels by him, and schooled her features as she walked over to Loke. She called out his name and finally got his attention. He straightened up as he noticed her, dreamy look fading from his face to be replaced with an excited grin. The moment was gone, but at least she knew she would have a way to keep it with her always.

"Lucy, what's this?"

He stared, incredulous, at a picture of him on the wall above Lucy's desk. The fact there was a picture wasn't a problem, she could have pictures of him everywhere if she wanted, and he would be happy to model them for her. It was more what was on the picture, it seemed fine at first, sitting at the bar in the guild. He even looked a bit regal, if you ignored the dopey look on his face, he was probably thinking of Lucy at the time. The quality suggested it was Reedus's art and he was good at bringing guild scenes to life on canvas. But for some reason his tongue...

"Oh, that, I had almost forgotten about it. The other day I caught you relaxing with your tongue out, which is a normal cat thing to do. But it was just so silly though to see you do it that I couldn't resist having a picture of it. It's really cute don't you think?"

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