Paint Fight

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Inspired by this prompt from otpprompts on tumblr:

Imagine your OTP painting the nursery for their child, and then getting into a mini paint fight that includes painting a cute picture on the baby bump.


FP and Alice finally decided on the perfect color to paint the walls of their daughter's nursery. Not that FP really cared what color the walls were, but Alice however, had about fifty different paint swatches stuck up on the wall for weeks, unable to decide on exactly the right one until a few days ago when FP finally coaxed her into choosing.

The happy couple decided to spend the weekend painting and had somehow managed to rope a couple of their kids in to help. FP was in the nursery laying down drop cloths and filling the paint trays when Alice walked in.

"Hello, sexy mama..." he howls with a twinkle in his eyes, pulling Alice into him. She smiles, tipping her head up to plant a kiss on his lips. She was wearing only a sports bra and a pair of FP's sweatpants, leaving her baby bump on full display.

"Thanks, Jonesy," she purrs, "I'm dying in this heat wave and thought you wouldn't mind too much if I took my shirt off."

He chuckles, "Well, believe it or not, I don't mind at all." 

FP kneels down in front of her, placing his hands on her belly, "Hey, kiddo--you better be taking it easier on mama than you were last night when you were showing her your new karate moves." 

Alice laughs softly, tousling his hair, "Maybe if daddy hadn't gotten her all keyed up, she wouldn't have."

FP looks at her sheepishly, knowing it was his fault that the baby decided to stay up extra late playing last night. What could he say? He loved talking to the little munchkin residing in his wife's womb. 

"I'm sorry, Al. I can't help it that she loves hanging out with her old man," he grins.

She rubs her belly fondly, "You aren't wrong. She absolutely loves hearing your voice."

He smiles widely, and presses a kiss to her bump, "Okay, munchkin--your mama and I are going to paint your room now. Let's hope she doesn't change her mind on the color again."

Alice rolls her eyes and picks up a paint roller, "I'm sorry! I can't help it! You know she makes me indecisive about things."

FP chuckles, slapping her butt as she turns around, "I'm just kidding babe."

They go ahead and start painting the walls--a pretty pale pink--and FP smiles at the fact that Alice has to turn to the side to paint so her stomach doesn't brush against the freshly painted wall. 

"What?" she says, upon realizing he's been staring.

"You're adorable, babe."

She sighs, "I know you think that, but I pretty much feel like a beached whale nowadays."

"Beached whale my ass!" FP states matter-o-factly, "You are the exact opposite of that, Ali."

A smile creeps across her face and she looks up at his dark eyes, as he tips her chin up for a kiss, "You're the best."

He goes back to painting, "Nah, you're the best. You're freaking Wonder Woman, Al. I don't know how you manage to do it all while carrying our daughter around in your belly. You're still working--and looking sexier and sexier in every news report, I might add. You take care of our other kids, cook dinner, make time for me--I can't believe how you balance it all. I'm so proud of you."

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