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Draco hiked up the picturesque mountain known as Table Rock, staring at Hermione's back. How was she so good this? He embraced her at the top and stared at the beautiful view with her for a few minutes before backing up and kneeling, "Hermione, we may have had a very rocky start when we were children, but I've grown to love you, and I've grown because of you. These past years being with you have been more magical than any spell the most powerful wizards could have cast. Please do me the amazing honor of spending the rest of your life with me." He brought out a ring.

Hermione was in shock. She stared down at him. The Draco who had spent so long hating her, who she had spent so long carefully breaking down the thick walls of, now had planned a romantic proposal on a mountaintop that he had not cheated with magic on. She was starstruck. So much so that she couldn't speak at first. Then she flung herself at him and hugged him tightly.

Draco was so surprised that he promptly dropped the ring off the cliff. Heart lurching, he fished out his wand while still hugging her and quietly accioed the ring back without her noticing(Cursing in his mind the entire time), then stealthily put his wand back as he stepped back and slid the ring on her finger. Thank Merlin it fit.

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