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No one else that day had made any attempt to commit a crime, so y/n just heads home. As Natasha had said before, dinner had been ready and still warm for her, a note placed beside it. "Heard you kicked ass today. Great job, kiddo! -TS" She laughs softly as she eats her meal. "News sure does get around." Finishing her meal, she heads towards her room to shower and sleep for the night.

Y/n wakes up at the sound of her alarm blaring in her ears. Groaning, she turns it off and start getting ready for the day ahead. Once she was done and had eaten (stolen) some of Thor's poptarts, she heads out on her daily walk.

Upon entering her school building she heard murmurs about Spiderman and a mysterious new hero everyone was calling Phantom. Y/n ignores them and makes her way to her locker and to the classroom. Surprisingly the office hasn't called or even filed anything on her part from yesterday's mishap. All throughout the day people were talking about Spiderman and Phantom. Some were saying it was a cute ship, others just wanting to know who they really were under the masks, and much fewer saying they would smash. Peter had looked nervous the entirety of the day, mainly when Spiderman was said. Y/n keeps herself from laughing at the situation. During lunch it had gotten worse. People had actually gone up to her asking if she had known anything. Her response? "Do you really think someone like me would be trusted with that kind of a secret?" They left her alone after that.

She had parked her bike at the back of a nearby coffee shop so she didn't have to go home. Running to the shop, she is stopped by two males that pull her into an ally only two blocks from her destination. "Your money or your body." The mans voice was rough and cold. "Take your pick."

"No to both and you get to go without getting hurt." Spiderman had appeared almost out of nowhere, hanging upside down on a web. The males look at him in shock, one still holding y/n hostage. "I'm serious, guys. You don't want to do anything to her." The male holding her slowly moves his hand down to his pocket causing Spiderman to react and web this hand to his leg. The other male pull out a knife and tries attacking, only to be kicked back and webbed to the wall. "Two warnings and still doesn't get it," he laughs slightly. Y/n takes this time to bite the male trapping her and kick ger leg back, hitting his groin. The male stumbles back holding his arm to his chest.

"You bitch!" He yells punching her cheek. Y/n head turns to the side slightly as she spits out blood. She doesn't get the chance to react because Spiderman had knocked him unconscious with a much deserved punch.

"Are you ok, miss?" he says turning to her. She nods holding her cheek.

"I've had worse." That caught him off guard. How could a girl as pretty as her have worse than a sucker punch to the face? He didn't like the thought of that. "I'm y/n, by the way." She smiles softly at him; the same way she had smiled the day before. He stares at her for a moment, enjoying the rare sight that he seemed to be the only one allowed to see.

"Th-that's a beautiful name," he manages to get out. This causes the girl to blush and turn away.

"You should be going, Spidey." The name makes him chuckle slightly. "Duty calls," she smirks at him and continues on her way to her bike. If those men had tried to undress her, they would know exactly who she was considering she has gotten into the habit if wearing her suit under her usual clothes. Hiding, she slips from her casual to show her suit and pulls her helmet from her bag to put it on. As she gets onto her bike, she notices a red and blue blur pass right beside her. She laughs shaking her head and rides off.

Sadly she was stuck at a red light, patiently waiting while pedestrians start noticing her. "Isn't that Phantom?"

"She's actually here?!"

"Phantom can I have an autograph?!"

"Phantom come to my party!" The last one confused her. Looking over to her left, she saw a girl in the passanger seat with long brown hair. "I know it's a long shot, but Spiderman should be there, too!" The girl hands y/n and invitation. "My names Liz, hope to see you there!" The light turns green as soon as she takes the invitation, starting the flow of traffic again. Putting the paper in her pocket, she heads towards a hostage situation.

"Spiderman has arrived, still send backup." Y/n laughs. How many more times are they going to see each other? "Spiderman has been shot we need reinforcement." She speeds up cutting through allies. Almost jumping off her still moving bike, she runs to Spiderman who was currently panting and holding his side.

"Whats happened?" she asks him quickly, concern clear in her voice.

"It's those weapons again," he hisses through his teeth. "They have two kids and their mom. I think it was a family gathering gone way wrong."

"I'll handle it," she says looking at the man holding the woman with a gun to her head. She calmly walks over to them, showing the man her hands the entire time. The children were sobbing behind him, terrified for their mother. "Look, I don't know why you have gotten to this point, but this isn't the way to do it." Her voice was rather soothing, causing the people surrounding them to focus on her words.

"Of course you don't fucking know!" the man screams. "She's keeping my babies from me! I just want more time with my damn kids!" He presses the gun against her head more.

"And you really think threatening their mother's life in front of them will make it better? That's all the more reason for her to keep them away." The man points the gun at her. "Look at your kids. They are terrified of you right now. Look at what you are doing to them." The man start breaking down as he lets go of the woman and drops the gun. Y/n immediately catches the shaken woman from falling and pulls the kids towards her as the police run over and handcuff the man. The woman holds onto her tightly as she sobs.

"Thank you, Phantom," the woman weeps. "Thank you so much!" The crowd around them start cheering for her as Spiderman smiles slightly behind his mask. The woman finally lets go of y/n and hugs her kids. Y/n smiles at them then heads over to Spiderman.

"How's your side?"

"I-I've had worse," he laughs softly.

"Ok tough guy," she laughs back. "Let's get it cleaned up then." She grabs his arm pulling him towards her bike.

"W-wait! I can do it m-myself!" he says trying to get away.

"If it's about your identity, don't worry," she says reassuringly. "I wouldn't be much of an ally if I just went around saying who you are." He looks at her then sighs.

"Does that mean I get to know who you are?"

"Nope!" she laughs pulling a trench coat and helmet from a side bag on her bike. "Put these one and we'll be off." He nods and secures the items to his body. She was already on her bike by the time he was done. "Come on, hot stuff. We gotta blast." He laughs getting on the back of the bike and nervously wraps his arms around her waist as she takes off. Calling Natasha through her helmelt, she asks for her to book a hotel for them so she could fix his wound. Spiderman had heard none of this due to the fact that people had seen them and had taken pictures. Thank God she had given him some cover or Spiderman would be fucked.

Y/n stops next to a red compact car as it rolls the window down handing her an envelope and drives off. She then makes her way towards a hotel. Once there, she waits for Spiderman to get off then turns off the engine, getting off the bike herself. "Come on, I'm not playing to take advantage of you, Spiderman," she teases.

"Th-then why are we at a hotel?"

"I can't have you knowing where I live now can I?" she laughs heading to their room. "We won't be here too long anyways. I'm sure you have someone expecting you home at a reasonable hour." He follows her after a moment and sighs to himself. Once the door was locked behind them, Spiderman took off the helmet and trench coat. "So here are your options: either you take just the suit off and leave me to tend to an unknown person in their boxer, or make it less awkward and take the mask off as well."

Knowing Too Late Peter Parker x Reader (soulmate au)Where stories live. Discover now