Chapter 23- Lets Go

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~~~~~2 weeks later~~~~~

Chloe's POV

Today's the day! Today's the day that Tristan comes back for me and we go off on tour! Aimee and I have literally been packing the whole time and Tristan hasn't stopped talking to me. As for work everyone was so happy for me and I have now finished work! And Aimee will be here any minute!

'Chloe, come and spend a few minutes with us as a family'

I darted down the stairs because I was gonna miss them so much, but I am ready for this next, exciting chapter of my life!

When I got to the living room, everyone was stood with a present in their hands, even Josh! I walked over to him first and he passed me his present, I sat on the floor with him in my lap and opened it, in there was a frame and in it was a photo of his hand print, mine, Amelia's and Matilda's. Amelia and Matilda shared two presents, one was a photo frame of the whole family and the other was a charm bracelet which had charms for each member, a baby shoe for Josh, a barbie doll Amelia, a paint brush for Matilda, the drum sticks for me, a test tube for my mum and a computer for my dad. Finally were the presents from my parents, inside one was a set of drumsticks and the other was a little diary and on the first page it said

'To our Dearest Chloe,

This is a notebook for you to keep pictures and memories from the next few months so when you come back you can share all your stories with us and we will have this notebook when you are filling more.

We love you so much and we are so proud of you for doing something you are passionate about.

Lots of love

Mummy and Daddy!'

By this time there were tears falling down my face and the doorbell rang while we were all in a group hug, I let go of my family and went to the door and a teary Aimee was stood there with all of her stuff under her arms and her mum and dad stood behind her. I smiled at her parents and they all came into my house, everyone exchanging pleasantries until there was another ring of the doorbell. This time I knew it was the one person I had been missing the longest. When I answered it, my face filled with joy, Tristan was stood there with a pair of drumsticks in his hand.

'Are you ready to do this?' He asked

And I replied with a nod! 'Lets go'

Once everything was loaded into the tour bus (which took much longer than anybody imagined) we were all ready to go. I hugged my family goodbye one last time, promising to call them every night we left. I looked over at Aimee who was snuggled into Brads side and then I looked up at Tristan and I knew something, something I had known since the first day that I saw him, I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair and spoke softly 'all I want to be and all I ever wanted to be was somebody to you'

(A/N Heeey guys, so this was the last chapter and I just wanna say thank you so much for all of you support with this fanfic every read, vote and comment has meant so much to me! I love every single one of you guys and you have honestly made me so happy! I will not do a sequel but if you want one I may do an epilogue! Thank you again and loooovvvvveeeee yoooooouuuuu!!!!xxxxxx) 

(New A/N Hello everyone, it has been a while! I'm over the moon with all of the love on this, so thank you all so much! I know above I said that there wouldn't be a sequel, however a few people have asked for it and I am very tempted to write one. I would love to get all of your opinions! Thank You!)

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