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Chapter 7 Stalker

Calum’s P.O.V

The next day I found Spencer walking to school alone and I ran up to her. “Spencer right?” She jumped but soon relaxed as she saw my face. She placed a hand over her heart and said, “You scared me half to death! I seriously think I just peed.” I made a face. “Ok TMI.” I started walking faster but she caught up quickly. “Sorry, sorry.” She started blushing and I chuckled. “It’s fine, I was only joking.” She looked up at me and we locked eyes for a second before she looked away with her cheeks as red as a tomato. “So um… why are you walking to school? Don’t you have a car?” “No, my parent’s gave it to my older sister, Melissa because she needed it more.” (She did air quotes when she said needed it more.) “What does that even mean?” I asked, confused. She rolled her eyes. “I don’t even know.” “What about you Hood?” “How do you know my last name and what about me?” “Well, I kind of found your twitter?” I raised my eyebrows. “So now you’re stalking me?” Spencer adjusted her bag. “No, I was just on twitter and I found you.” “Sure.” “It’s true!” I turned around to face her. “Whatever floats your boat princess.” And with that, I walked into the school.

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