house of osirius

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Fabians pov

Me, nina and Eddie were researching me more,the isis. Eddie went towards the kitchen for a glass of water for nina and himself.

Eddies pov

I was alone, in the kitchen getting two glasses of water. I turned around, and I saw Rufus. I tried to run away, but he caught me. He dragged me towards the gatehouse and locked me in the secret room.

The only thing Rufus thinks I have,which I don't. My powers

"Help me " I yelled as stubborn as I could be.

Nina is the only one who knows about my powers. Rufus wants them, then suddenly there was a flash in the left hand corner. And that's all I remember. The next thing was Rufus lying in front of me. I had a vision he died, and an osirian vision dosnt lie. Wait what.. an osirian vision only happens to....


I took a slow walk back to anubis house.where I went back into my room where nina and Fabian were in shock

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