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Do you know what I like? The taste of blood. Don't you?

Don't you just love the warm metallic juice flowing through your veins covering the slightest tip on your tongue as it flows down into you, coating your mouth in the sweet goodness.  
Don't you like the feeling? The blood rushing through your body flowing freely out of the veins slowly pooling around the skin. The deep rich colour drawing you in . Tempting you to take a sip. But knowing when you start you can't stop, but yet you can't resist. Do  you know that urge from within?

But what happens when the blood stops coming? Do you hate that too? As soon as that happens you just want to open the cut again don't you. You want to find some way to make it last for longer. As the urge inside you begs you for more.

So your addiction is smoking and sex, mine is what flows through your very wrist...

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