The Sister - Pt 2

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3 assistant nurses ushered Queen Annabella out of the room, while Doctor Isabella, Isabelle's sister, held the newborn baby.

The baby had long golden blonde hair that reached her waist, just like the color of her father's. Her lips were a pale pink, and she didn't have the talent of her sister's where she could shrink and enlarge them. And..... her eyes were a shocking sapphire blue just like her mother's.

Nurse Petunia walked in along with her cousin Nurse Poppy. "She's a straight out beauty." said Nurse Poppy, grabbing a comb and starting to comb the baby's golden locks. "Hopefully she's nicer than Princess Carla." replied Doctor Isabella. "I heard today the princess called her mother fat right before she gave birth ." "Not a shock, the princess can be very blunt but it will be a chracteristic that will give her a husband when she is older." contributed Nurse Petunia. The two other dolls stared at her like she was crazy. Nurse Petunia shrugged. "It's true, she's blunt and will say no to any guy she thinks ain't rich enough." They all laughed together, and then continued talking about the newborn princess.


King Calvin paced the room where his wife was sitting in, looking utterly exhausted. They were running through the list of names again. "Sadie, Marla, Darla, Lily, Rose, Evangeline, Bethany....." the king trailed on, seeing the Queen's face. "What if she has those ink black eyes like Carla." said Queen Anna worriedly. "Then she will turn out as lovely as our eldest daughter." replied King Calvin, looking at his wife straight in her blue eyes. "Carla will grow up and be a lovely young queen, ruling Dolleyland with as much grace and wisdom as her mother." Queen Anna smiled. "Now the names Calvin...." she said, looking much better than she had seconds before. "Oh yes! I just love the name Evangeline, it's great for a blonde haired girl." Queen Annabella arched her eyebrows. "And how would you know she is blonde Mister?" "Think about it Anna, Carla was pink haired, so I think she will have blonde hair like me." Anna rolled her eyes, but nodded her head, agreeing to the name Evangeline.

"Honey, you do realize Carla will start preschool soon?" "What! It's been a year already?" Anna nodded and Calvin ran his hand through his short blonde hair. His wife held up a letter. "Ryan delivered this today, it's a letter from the Dolleyland Academy."

Dear King Calvin Renald Antin Sharlington and Queen Annabella Lucina Sharlington

Greetings from the Dolleyland Preschool Academy. It seems to Principal Minsanelli that Princess Carla Luisa Helen Sharlington of Dolleyland is ready for preschool. She will be enrolled with 5 girls and 5 boys, a small class for unique and special children. We hope you will enroll Princess Carla Luisa Helen Sharlington of Dolleyland.

Sincerely, The Dolleyland Preschool Academy

"Do you think she's ready?" asked Calvin, scanning Anna. She was wearing a silk blue dress with low ruffles on it. Her luscious pink hair was down and a silver crown pulled it back. Anna sighed. "She is of age Calvin, and it's about time she starts looking for a husband." "So you think Carla is ready?" he asked hesitantly. Anna grinned. "I think so." She pointed to a woman with dark brown hair pulled up in a ponytail, wearing a pink dress with the embroidery, "Maribelle, Maid of Dolleyland." "Maribelle, please go write our acceptance letter to the Dolleyland Preschool Academy. The maid nodded, and took out a pen. All three dolls looked at each other. "Was Carla ready?"

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