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(Holly's party outfit there)

Holly's POV

The song, "I'm Ready" from spongebob plays on my alarm. Indicating that it's time for me to wake up, so I do as told and get up and into the bathroom to do my morning routine.

After finishing my mascara and lip gloss I put my hair into a messy bun, after that I head out of the bathroom and towards my closet, ready to find my clothes

After about 5 minutes of useless searching I finally decide on a pair of black leggings, and a white crop top that says 'Bite Me' in big bold letters.

I head to my sister's, Jenny's, room in order to wake her up.
"Mrrrmahdj" she states when I turn on the lights. "I want you to wake up" I answer back. "Ughinsduaa" she says.  "No, not five more minutes. Now get up before I physically drag you out of here,"     She doesn't respond.

I head to the kitchen and get a glass of water, before going back to her room and splashing the water on her. She shoots up immediately, and starts chasing me around her room.

I eventually escape her evil wrath for her to change, and head downstairs. Once I'm downstairs I make some toast for Jenny and I, and watch some 'Supernatural' on my laptop while sipping some tea and eating some toast.

About 15 minutes later, Jenny walks downstairs wearing some black, ripped jeans, and a rose gold, long sleeved crop top. Her hair is still wet from the shower. She grabs her toast and takes the seat next to me to watch what I am.

"Oh, and I know you're a sophmore and all but I am a freshman, so today when I throw a party don't go starting fights or drink anything got it?" I ask her. She continues staring at the computer for a little more before finally looking at me and nods before putting her plate in the sink, and getting her black boots, and jacket.

Deciding I should get ready too, I turn off my laptop and put on my white converse. Walking outside and hopping into my car with my sister in the passenger seat.

"Sooo.... Is Jacob coming to the party?" She asks once I start driving. Jacob is in her grade, so younger than me and but he's a player, and she is madly in love with him.

"I'm not really inviting many sophomores to my party... but if you want I guess you could invite a couple people," I say with a shrug as I wait for the light to turn green again.

"Ok," she says before looking at her phone and going through Snapchat. As the light turns green.

We arrive at school about five minutes later and I park my car in it's normal spot before climbing out and putting my bag on my shoulder. As Jenny gets out and turns off her phone before walking over to her friends.

I walk inside and stand up as tall as I can looking for a very specific person. As I see her I re-adjust my bag and sprint over to her, jumping on back causing her to stumble over a bit before I get off and look at Isabelle with a huge, innocent grin.

"What in the bloody hell Holly?!?" She asks while walking over to her locker before stuffing her bag in and grabbing her books.

"I was greeting you," I say with a proud smile before walking to my locker, putting my bag in, and grabbing my books before we walk to class together.

I look over to all the kids going through the halls and spot Ben and Luke talking to each other.

Luke looks over my way and smiles while saying something to Ben, which makes him look over at me too. I give them each a smile and wave before continuing down the hall and towards my classroom.

I enter the class and take a seat in the middle with Isabella at my side. Mr. Wild starts his lecture and I start taking my notes.


I sit down at our usual table in between Isabella and the rest of the cafeteria, next to Isabella is one of the cheerleaders, and next to her is the wall. In front of me is Luke with Veronica on his lap, next to Luke and Veronica is Ben, and next to Ben is another football jock.

I sit my tray down and start eating my fries while looking at my phone. I finish my last fry and look around the table for a unsuspecting victim. After looking around the whole table I decide while Veronica and Luke are eating each others faces, I will steal there fries. I look at them one more time before a evil grin spreads across my face and I scoop all of Veronica's fries and put them on Isabella's plate, then grab all of Luke's fries and eating them.

Ben starts chuckling as I eat my first fry, causing Veronica and Luke to stop there make-out session and look over at him with confused eyes.

"W-While you guys were e-e-eating each other's f-faces H-Holly took your fries," he says in between laughs. After Luke and Veronica finally realize what he said they both turn to me who is casually eating there fries.

"Give them back" Luke says as I eat another fry. I shake my head no with a innocent smile. He reaches out for the fries with a serious face, but I just grab them and eat them all at once.

"My fries...." he says with a sad expression but before he can say anything else the lunch bell rings, and we all head off to class.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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