The New Kids In Town

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Bucky POV

"Becca," I reasoned. "I know you don't want to leave, but we can't afford the house anymore. Mommy and Daddy aren't coming back."

"'Mommy and Daddy'?" Becca asked, snorting a little bit but sounding choked from her tears. "I'm not two, Bucky. I'm fourteen."

I laughed a bit and she giggled. It was just good to see her not crying.

"C'mon, we're only moving a couple towns away. You'll still be able to visit your old friends."

"It's far enough that we have to change schools." Becca quipped.

I sighed.

"Becca, it's the best option. We can't afford a house, and this is a five-star hotel with good prices. We have separate beds; what more could you want?"

Becca sighed too. "I know you're doing the best you can, Bucky. I'm sorry, I'm overreacting."

I ruffled her hair gently. "I love ya, Becca."

"Love you too, Bucky."

And then we got in my car and I turned the key. The old engine rumbled to life and the scent of my car - a mix of pine trees, from the little freshener dangling from the rear view mirror, and the musty scent that accompanies everything old and dusty - wafted into my nostrils. I breathed it in, glad to have something familiar. I never admitted it to Becca, but I hated that we had to move, too. I had to stay strong, for her.

We left the dusty old town that smelled like my car and rolled down the highway for a few miles, before pulling off and making our way into a town. It was fairly small, neat little houses stacked in neat little rows. We pulled up to what must've been the biggest building in town, a privately owned hotel. How they stayed in business in this dead town, I still don't know.

Me and Becca grabbed bags from the trunk and walked through the door. Everything was shiny and white and clean, and the bright lights reflected off my metal arm. A few people stared, but everyone always ended up getting used to it.

I walked straight up to the counter.

"Room for Barnes?"

"Yes, Mr. Barnes. How many keys would you like?"

I thought for a moment.

"Five, please."

He handed me the five keys without question of why two people would need five keys.

"Room 325. Enjoy your stay!"

As me and Becca followed the signs to the elevators, she asked, "why to we need five keys?"

"One for you, one for me, one for each of us to give to a close and trusted friend, and one to put on top of the door frame in case you lose yours."

She rolled her eyes at my preparedness.

"You know I'm right," I raised my eyebrows. "You lose everything."

"Not true!" She stamped her foot on the elevator floor.

I laughed shortly, ending the argument.

We entered our new home, finding it surprisingly large. There was two rooms, a living room and a bedroom with two beds, and a small kitchenette, everything one would need for a first home. I tossed my personal bag on the bed I had claimed, not bothering to unpack.

"Bucky?" Becca called from the living room. When I walked in, she asked, "did you happen to notice where the hecking heck I put my key when I came in?"

"Told you so," I laughed, pointing to her key, sitting on the kitchen counter.

I hoped up on the counter when she finished unpacking. With my longish hair, red, long sleeve, high neck shirt, black ripped booty shorts, and thigh-highs, I probably looked trans, swinging my legs.

"So, Becca, when are you gonna get a boyfriend?"

"When are you gonna get a boyfriend?"

I groaned. "I regret telling you I'm gay."

She smirked at me and I gave up. I made a quick dinner, heating up some chicken noodle soup because I can't cook for shit, but I can bake like hell. Wanting to be well rested for my first day a new school tomorrow, I went straight to sleep after.


In the morning I got up, finding that Becca had slept curled into my side instead of in her own bed. I got up two hours before school actually started, before my alarm even, because my body was used to getting about two hours of sleep a night, and it was not in the mood to change that.

So I went into the bathroom and started getting ready. Bored, and wanting to make a 'gay emo kid' first impression, I painted my nails black, pulled my hair back into a messy bun with a black hair tie, pulled on a pair of all-black thigh-highs, a clean pair of ripped, black booty shorts (leaving a small gap between the top of my thigh-highs and the bottom of my shorts), a white tee reading 'GO AWAY' in black block letters, black suspenders, and a black and white flannel, leaving it unbuttoned over my shirt. My phone case, black and reading,

Fuck it.
Fuck off.
Fuck you.
Fuck her.
Fuck him.
Fuck this.
Fuck that.
Fuck all.

Vibrated in my pocket. Becca had texted me, from the next room, to ask if I would bring her the pain medication for her cramps.

I grabbed the pills and filled a little paper cup with water, bringing both to Becca. I gently rubbed her stomach while she downed them.

"You gonna be able to tough it out?" I asked, knowing how bad her cramps could get.

She managed a smile and responded easily, "I'll be fine."

Then I returned to the bathroom, quickly applying a little eyeliner and black lipstick. Critiquing myself in the mirror, I was pretty sure my 'gay emo kid' point got across.

"Pads are under the sink if you need 'em," I called out to Becca.

"Thanks Buck!"

We prepared for school quickly and quietly. Even in a different house, we had a system. I chucked Becca's shoes at her when she left the bedroom. She caught them reflexively and tugged them on her feet one at a time as she walked towards the kitchen for a granola bar.

She threw one at my head, but I caught it easily with my metal arm, not even needing to look up. I laced up my combat boots and tore the wrapper off my granola bar. Stuffing half of it in my mouth, I pulled my backpack over one shoulder and yelled through the food, "if you're not out in one minute you're walking!"

She was out in forty seven seconds.

"Cutting it close, huh Bec?"

She rolled her eyes and elbowed me on purpose as she buckled her seatbelt. We drove to school with minimal conversation, just MCR blasting through the speakers and the occasional grunt from Becca as period cramps wracked her body.

Pulling up to the drop off zone of the high school, I grabbed her arm before she left. "If your cramps are getting too bad, go to the nurse. Don't hesitate to call me to take you home."

She smiled and kissed me on the cheek, yelling, "bye Bucky!"

"Bye Becca!" I called, pulling away.

I grabbed my things as I pulled into the parking lot. Slinging my backpack once again over my shoulder, I got quite a few weird looks as I walked up to the school.

At the office, a nice lady handed me my schedule and introduced me to Tony Stark, my guide. Tony was a peppy kid, kind of like a chihuahua with a blazer. He came out to me as gay right away, and I told him I was cool with it.

After the tour, he led me to a group of people a few minutes before class started and said, "and these are my friends!"

The person who stuck out the most was a gorgeous blonde, with sky blue eyes and a smile that took my breath away.

But also, holding the hand of a dirty blonde kid, was a girl with red hair and a frightening look and. . . .

"Nat?!" I exclaimed, finally placing that familiar stare.

Her face crumpled into a smile. "Bucky?!"

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