To Beach city

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No one's POV

Noya :Come on guys mom and eri, jiro

Jiro: I'm coming wait

Midoriya:We need this break

Taro: agree so where

Kikiro:are we going

Noya:a city called beach city

Eri: Papa

Noya:yes gumdrop

Eri:do you know people there

Noya:yes I know someone there he has a family now so it's some family bondingish

Momo: sounds good but why there

Kaminari:how do you know this

Noya:......All right let's go

They drove off to beach City for a while

Genos and Saintama were running and made a pitstop at a beach

Genos: master we're almost there

Saintama:why are we going to this beach City place

Genos: I've got a interview with a girl named peridot see

Genos showed Saintama his phone and saw a text message from Beach City

Saintama:ok I could use a break anyway

Genos:we should start running master

Saintama:yeah let's go

They started running again for beach City

In gravity falls Dipper and Mable were in a bus droven by Stanley

Mable: Beach city Beach city we are going to beach City

Dipper:can we go home now

Stan: common it'll be great


Stan: let's continue with this and no more yammering

Dipper: fine

Ben: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Gwen:a come on it's a break from the weirdest

Max: she's right y'know  it's been awhile since you fought Dr animo,hex, buggy brothers,Billy, Kevin, steampunk

Ben: but that's the fun

Max: come on sport beach City is perfect plus I have a friend there he's a dad now so you and his kid could get along

Ben:mmmmmmmmmm fine

Marco:you ready star

Star: yes Marco now let's go to beach City

Bill:well looks like sixter gave  the twins the Rift I need a army of some sort

Second time writing

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