The looks.

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He was standing at the left side of the street.

She was on the right side.

They were at a different bus stop, but always just across the street. A few meters away. A few words away.

They always looked at each other. Not for very long. But for a couple of seconds. Were the looks with no meaning? Were the looks just passing by, with no interest to caught the stranger's attention?

That couldn't be.

When they locked their eyes together, again, for a couple of seconds, they could feel how warm was the stranger's look. It felt like hours to both of them. The look was the same, still so different.

One was the deep brown, chocolate look. The look was so calming. The look was like a comfort zone. Even for a couple of seconds that look was warm and at the same time so challenging, so exciting. It was like coffee. It gave her a sweet taste in her mouth.

The other one was this deep blue, ocean look. The look was like the sky. So endless, so mysterious. The look was truly a summer sea breeze. So refreshing. The only bad thing about it was that is was full of fear, insecurity and sadness. Something was wrong. He felt something he couldn't explain. He had to fix the look so it would be perfect. He had to.

So many mornings, a million looks.

No one was brave enough to ever just cross the street.

That morning was different though.

The 3 guys who always played different card games on a table next to the coffee shop?


The couple and their best friend?


The two girls, always laughing while walking past the boys in front of the same coffee shop?


'What happened?'

They both thought.

August 5th.

Do you remember that?

They both sat there. Clearly confused. They didn't know how to react. Should they be calm? Perhaps it was nothing. It was most likely, that the people probably do something else. But to them? That was their routine. It didn't felt right. But they both knew that it wasn't something bad. It was perhaps a new beginning?

He scratched his red nose. Even tho it was warm outside his nose was always red. She loved that. His cheeks were also blushing all the way up to his ears. Most parts of his ears were covered by the same brown, chocolate color hair. It was curly and so fluffy. He had a habit of always touching his hair. She thought it was cute. His shorts were black, with no other color. Unlike his shorts, he had a red coca-cola shirt. He was waving his unzipped blue hoodie to make some kind of soft wind. 'You never know when it's gonna rain!', he thought to himself every day. It never did rain in the summer.

She looked at him for a split second. Her cheeks got red. He always liked her freckles. It was a pretty small street, you could see every detail on someone's face. She nervously got the black hairband from her arm and tied her deep red hair in a ponytail. He saw her for the first time like that. He liked it. Her shirt was black with white text that said 'True love'. Her jeans were tight and black. Always black. It was a good combination tho, her red shoes looked good, considering her hair color.

He got up and started walking towards her. He didn't even look left or right when crossing the street. That could've ended so badly, but he was too focused on her.

When he was in front of her he looked her deep in the eyes. Words weren't coming out of his mouth. He tried so hard. He ended up biting his strawberry lips instead of saying something. He blushed.

She chuckled. He was so cute. She couldn't help herself. Her voice was so sweet and soft! She gestured for him to sit down. The smile was gone. She looked so nervous. She couldn't even look him in the eyes. She was quiet and looked like she was regretting that chuckle.

That truly worried him. He didn't even know who she was, why did he feel that way? He knew only one thing. He had to help her.

Then the silence broke.

'I'm sorry...'

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