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"Who is, Daddy?" Louis questions as Harry makes his way to the front door. There are two more aggressive knocks. Not receiving a response, Louis hops off the bar chair and scurries to follow Harry.

He catches up just in time to see Harry open the door, revealing a man and  woman both dressed in expensive business clothes. Their tightly pressed lips and grim expressions send chills of unease up Louis' spine. Harry's rigid posture doesn't help the situation. "Louis, go upstairs now," Harry commands, voice serious and low.

Louis takes a few steps back. He wants to obey but he is also curious as to what the people are here for. He sits at the bottom of the stairs, out of sight but in hearing range. 

His ears twitch as he listens in. "Who are you and what do you want?" Harry asks.

"I'll skip the formalities," the male voice says, "We're from the Rogue and Untamed Hybrid Detainment Center."

"We received a complaint in regards to your cat hybrid. Apparently there was an incident that occurred yesterday-" Harry cuts the female voice off.

"Before you accuse my hybrid of doing anything, why don't you go back and watch the security footage. He picked up a box that the old hag dropped and tried to give it to her. He didn't lash out or attack or do anything to harm her. In fact, she is the one who nearly took his eye out. Now if I ever see anyone from your center near my home or hybrid ever again-"

Louis doesn't stick around to hear the rest of the threat. He quietly walks up the stairs and into the bedroom, not wanting to get in trouble. The morning sun shines through the cracks in the curtain, casting streaks of light and shadows across the floors. Louis pads across the carpet and into the bathroom.

He looks at his droopy eye in the mirror and frowns at how ugly he looks. Tentative fingers brush across the gash. The second he makes contact with the wound, he flinches, pain spiraling in his face. Anxiety wells in Louis tummy. He just keeps causing problems for Harry.

Causing problems and being a burden, that's all he's good at.

His tail wraps around his waist and before he can't stop himself, he is ripping out tufts of his fur. A strange wave of relief flows through him as he watches the strands of black clump in the sink.

"Kitten?" Harry's muffled voice calls from the bottom of the staircase. Louis' heart jumps to his throat and he frantically collects as much of the ripped fur from the sink. A knock to the bathroom door scares Louis so much that he nearly jumps out of his skin. He shoves the fur underneath the bathroom rug before opening the door, coming face to face with Harry.

"You okay? Your cheeks are all red," Harry murmurs, running his thumb over Louis skin.

"M'okay," Louis mumbles. "Daddy? Does Louis get you trouble?"

Harry sighs and runs a hand through his tangled hair. "No, love. It's other people trying to bring you down." When he sees that Louis is still sad and conflicted, he decides to take matters into his own hands. He scoops the hybrid up unexpectedly and walks to the bed. Louis stares up at Harry with wide, curious eyes.

Nothing is said before Harry latches his lips to Louis', his large hands resting on narrow hips. Louis instantly melts into the passion pouring through Harry's touch. "Gonna show you how happy you make Daddy," he murmurs, lifting the jumper off Louis' body.

As he begins to pepper kisses against the taut skin, Louis begins to tremble, prompting Harry to ask for his color. "Green," he moans as Harry's tongue swipes over his nipple. The kitten's body writhes in pleasure underneath his dom. His tummy rises and falls as he takes rapid breaths.

"Does my kitten like how this feels?" Harry hums, repeating the action and getting a high pitch mew in response. "Words, Kitten. Use them."

"Yes, Daddy. Louis l-likes," he breathes out, heart and mind racing. Feeling like he needs to be grounded, Louis tangles his shaking hands into Harry's hair.

Harry can feel the trembling and pulls away, going back up to Louis face. "Want me to keep going, baby?" he asks between kisses, his fingertips trailing over Louis' crotch.

Blood instantly begins to rush down below. Louis' eyelids droop lazily at all of the pleasure he is feeling. "Please," he whispers. Harry gives a nod and hooks his fingers into Louis' boxers. He situates himself on his knees and carefully begins to peel off the boxers, his lips leaving trails of kisses along the way. Louis ignores the harsh pounding of his heart and tries to relax. He squeezes his eyes shut and grips the sheets tightly.

He doesn't want to see Harry's reaction to his body.

Harry can't help but lick his lips at the sight of Louis' hardening prick. Too eager to contain himself, Harry licks a fat stripe up Louis' shaft, flicking his tongue over the slit. Louis' mouth instantly falls open as his hips buck up, a tiny gasp getting caught in his throat. Giving the hybrid no time to prepare, Harry takes Louis' prick into his mouth. His tongue swirls around the tip, emitting an obscene moan from the petite boy.

Pressure slowly begins to build in the pit of Louis' stomach as Harry bobs up and down Louis' painfully hard length. Whimpers and confused pleas tumble out of Louis' mouth when Harry sucks at the tip and uses his hand to pump the shaft.

A gurgled grunt hit Louis and he feels like he is going to explode. "D-Daddy- gotta... pee?" he gasps, not knowing what this feeling is.

Harry pauses for a second, "Go ahead, let go," he allows before resuming the swirling of his tongue and harsh jerks of his hand. Louis barely registers anything before he simply can't hold it in anymore. He explodes into Harry's mouth, who moans and swallows Louis' load. The vibrations nearly drive Louis insane as he rides out his high, hips bucking, legs shaking, and eyes glazing over in satisfaction.

His chest heaves as he tries to recover. Harry sits up and wipes away the spit collected at the corner of his lips, eyes greedily taking in the sight of his naked Kitten. His groin aches with the need to be touched because of how incredibly turned on he is but right now isn't about him. This was about showing Louis that he is cared for and appreciated.

Harry wordlessly walks to his dresser and pulls out a light pink pair of cheeky panties. He gently pulls them up Louis' legs an settles them on his hips. He thinks about retrieving the discarded jumper but decides against it, wanting to admire the hybrid's body instead. Louis reaches out for the dom, wanting to be held. Harry complies and pulls the hybrid up, who wraps his legs around the taller lad. They descend the stairs and settle onto the couch.

   Once they get comfortable, with Louis laid across Harry, head buried in the crook of his neck, Harry switches on a Disney movie. Louis purrs softly, his heart rate beginning to slow.

   "How are you feeling, Lou?"

   The response falls out of Louis' lips before he even realizes he's saying it. "Loved."

Heeeeey, so this is a lot shorter than usual but I've been working thirteen hr shifts at my job and so it is a lot easier for me to do shorter updates (which hopefully means I'll be able to knock more of them out). Also pardon my rusty smut, it's been a minute since I've written any. 

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