
7 1 7

"Halt!" I yelled as the green light to my right lit up. "Attack from the right is on target." I watched both girls walk back to the en garde lines. "The score is eight, thirteen. Fencers ready?" I looked at the two. "Fence."

The girl on my right took off almost immediately. Her attack style was very aggressive which wasn't necessarily bad, but it could also make her a little less aware of what was going on if she didn't control it.

The girl on my left fenced more like I did, slow and calculating. For me, I took a few seconds to study my opponent. I watched for the too wide circle parries or the immediate flinch at every faint made. But this girl was still different from me. She had a certain slowness that could cause her to lose the bout.

Either way, they were evenly matched. "Halt!" I yelled. A white light lit up on the right side of the box. "Attack from the left is parried, repost from the right is off target." Both girls nodded in acceptance. "Center is here. Fencers ready?" I checked them again. "Fence."

A minute passed before I called time on the second period. "One minute break," I said, setting my timer for a minute. The two girls walked to their respective sides of the strip before getting lectured by their coaches.

"Hey..." a voice said, trailing off at the end. It was Kian. "I never got your name."

I turned to face him with a smile. "Ivie Maren." I held my hand out for him to shake, which he did.

"Ivie," he tested. "That's a cool name!"

I flashed a small smile before saying, "Thanks."

"Do you mind if I hang out around here? I don't have anyone else to direct for, so..." He looked down to the ground shyly.

Shaking my head lightly, I responded, "No, please do. Or at least be my floor judge." I lowered my voice, "I could always use extra help. Sometimes, I feel like I've screwed everyone who fences on my strip over."

It was his turn to smile. "That's okay. From what I've seen, you looked like you were making all the right calls."

I let out a small chuckle and briefly checked my timer. Five seconds. "That's good. I was scared that I was just saying whatever came to mind," I said lightheartedly as I turned to face the strip again. "Fencers to the en garde line please."

I did a check over my shoulder and saw Kian still standing there. I couldn't tell where my newfound sense of confidence came from, his presence or his compliment. Either way, I was ready to keep directing.

"Alright," I said, turning back to the girls. "Third period with no cards given. Center is here. Fencers ready?" I checked them. "Fence."

~ ♡ ~

"Halt!" Both girls stopped. "After a series of attacks, the attack from the left is parried with no repost. Remise from the left is on target. Final score is fifteen to thirteen. Bout."

Both girls were happy for each other. The girl on my left was almost in tears. I would be in tears too if I were fighting for Top Eight. I've been in a bout for Top Eight, and believe me, it is stressful and scary and exhilarating.

When the girls cleared the strip, I walked to the folding table and wrote down the scores. I turned around and was met with both competitors who each signed, saying that everything was right.

After shaking their hands, I gave the winner, Madison Vice, the paper and told her to give it to the bout committee table.

"Are you done directing for the day?" Kian asked casually. The tall boy walked over to me with his hands in his pockets.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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