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Original date March 28th 2017

A war...between the magical beings called wizards and the strong hearted humans. No one knows how this happened rumor has it that a wizard was disowned by their human parents, the wizard burned with hate inside and killed them....now our peaceful world is gone....humans and wizards are killing one another its bloody and smells of death around us. There are places where it is safe and away from the war, the wizard stay in their world and we stay in ours...

"Welcome to our shop~" the girl said to the newcomers in the food shop. "What is it that I can get you?" she asked them with a smile. "You young lady~" he said in a piggish way, she tilted her head. "Am sorry what was that?" she asked once again. "I said you miss. Hehe~" she backed up slowly. "Am sorry but this ain't that kind of place...." she said with fear. "That's not what I mean, I came here to eat and human meat is the best around~" he licked his lips and came closer to her. "No! Eep!" one grabbed her from behind and held a big hunting knife to her neck when she looked back at them they didn't look human anymore. "Help!!!" as he went to cut her neck a scythe stopped the knife and pulled it out of his hand and the girl gone in the arms of. "Looks like this is where you were hiding your sorry asses." a young man with black hair opened his eyes and took off his hood his face was that of lifeless or emotionless in the least he held her close and grinned a bit scoffing at the monsters in front of him. "That damn wizard followed us here! you will give me my dinner!" he yelled and ran at the man he jumped up and with one hand used his weapon to block the claws of the monster he then summoned fire from his hand and burned him alive, he screamed and became ashes. "No! That's it your done for am going to kill you!" he used a fire spell to the whole shop the man jumped outside and hid the girl under him. "Stay here." he said, she nods. Using the scythe he was spinning it in a circle and a magic circle was made and he yelled a spell a large line of water came out and the flames died down, the monster came out and cut him but he blocked and cut him in the arm. "Wait!!! Stop I'll go back just please have mercy!" he said. "You are wanted died or alive so what happens does not matter to me but since you broke the law your death is coming sooner then you thought." He raised his scythe and the monster yelled and he cut him in half, blood spilled all over and the monster turned to dust. The young man looked up and sighed like he was bored or tired. "Ahh...geez..." he sighed again and turned around holding out a hand his face still emotionless. "Sorry about your shop." she took his hand and stood up. "It's okay...am just shocked is all sure I have no where to go but it's okay." she smiled like it was nothing, he looked a her with tired eyes rising a brow. "You sure are staying positive about this." he rubbed his head. "Well am just thankful you saved me, you didn't have to but you did~" she smiled again and laughed, he blushed at the thank you she said he turned around and started walking away she yelled to him and followed him. "I'm Rin Himura, your never told me your name." he looked at her and looked to the side. "Yuki Nyurmi, Level 3 Wizard..." she looked to him. "I knew you were a wizard, but why is a wizard doing in the human world?" he stopped and looked at he threw one opened eye. "It's a job I toke to get some jewels is all, monsters are not allowed over here just like we are, the master of our world made that law and we follow it useless your a level 4 or higher wizard but there aren't that many of us left in the cities to do so, so levels under are starting to be able to take the jobs if their strong enough."

She looked at him and nods. "I see, so I guess your going back now?" he nods. "Can I stay with you?" he stopped again but this time more quickly and his emotionless face was of pure shock. "Hehe~ your face is quite cute when you make that face you know~" she giggled, he looked mad but shy at the same time looking down. "Whatever...do what you want. but I warn you my home hates humans and they might kill you." his cold stare cut threw her but she just smiled. "Am not worried I know you'll protect me." he blushed and turned around. "Shut up..." she laughed, a little after a few hours of walking they were at the gate of the wizard world. "So this is it huh?" she said in awe, he nods and says a spell opening the gate when it opened it smell of fresh flowers and grass taking a step in a field of flowers was seen and a huge castle was seen. "Wow is so....." she was at a loss of words he just looked to her a bit happy but not really showing it. "What's that place." she pointed to the castle. "My home." she eyes widened. "Your home, you mean you live there." he nods. "The ruler of this world our master we call her lets me stay here along with two others....*sighs*..." she tilts her head and then a sound from the bushes she turned then she was caught by something. "Eek! Yuki Help!." he turned around ready to fight but he put he scythe away. "How dare you bring a human here!" the young man had long pink hair and black eyes he was mad at yuki but he was just sighing like he was tired again. "So what if I did." he said. "They stay on their side and we stay on ours! The master will be back you know." he said. "Whatever am to tired to listen to an idiot anyway.." he starts walking off when the young man was about to hit him when another young man this time with shoulder long blue hair and closed eyes grabbed him. "Now now no fight you two she may be human but she's still a lady~" he smiled. "Shut up Haru this has nothing to do with you!" he yelled but haru had taken her from his arms. "I'm Haruno Ackerman and this here is Natsumi Lawliet." he said smiling while natsumi growls at him. "Oh nice to meet you am rin." she said. "Oh well that's a cute name." a voice from behind haru, they turn around and see a lady with long baby blue hair. "Oh master welcome home~" haru said. "Thank you~ Now now Natsumi let's the lady go." she asked and natsumi let rin go and walked back to the castle not caring about what would go on next. "Why don't you come inside honey~" she waved her hand in the air as she turned to walk in, rin looks to yuki and he looks back and gives a small nod. when getting inside everyone sat on the couches. "I'm Aki the master over this world, now as you may know humans are not allowed in our land......" she said rin hung her head down but she looked up fist up to her chest and a serious well kind of face and said. "I know that ma'am but I want to stay here with yuki and help end the war!" aki smiled. "I knew you would say that, but if you want to stay you will have to become yuki's partner." natsumi yelled from behind hearing this. "What the heck master no one has had a partner since the war happened!?" he said. "I understand Natsumi but most of the wizard with partners have pasted away from the war, but maybe theirs hope." she smiled. "Oh I hear of that before for books, wizard are very good a magic but when it comes to physical strength they aren't that good so a wizard would find a partner, but I thought only other wizards could do that?" she said. "No most wizards would find a person they became good friends with and most were humans." rin nods and looks to yuki. "So yuki would you be okay with it?" he looked over with cold eyes and bluntly said. "No." aki pouts and pushes yuki. "Why not is it because you have to kiss?~" he blushes and so does rin. "A-A K-k-kiss...!!" she nods. "No its not that!!!!" he yelled. "She will be in danger if that happens...." he looked away. "If she is like this then she is in more danger at least with this she can fight and protect you as well." he looked back and then to rin his brows went down and sighed loudly. "That is true, fine...." he said and rin smiled. a little later they went outside to make summon a circle. "So all you do is kiss okay~" rin looked down yuki came closer to her she looked back up blushed. "Are you sure about this?" he asked. "Y-yeah I'll protect you with my life and be by your side!" his eyes widened and made a chuckled sound at it. "Heh likewise." he raised a brow but soon after lean forward and they kissed after they did the spell was done and the circle was gone. "Good job you guys~" haru said and clapped. "I never thought I would see this again." aki said with a smile. "Master!" natsumi yelled as she turned around. "Yes what is it." she asked. "It's Shinichi people have seen them!" yuki eyes had gone small with anger he then dashed in the house rin yelled to him but he didn't listen. "Oh no...." she said rin ran after yuki when he came out with a bag and walked off. "You two need to go with him." she said. "Why!?" natsumi yelled. "Because you know what will happen if they come face to face I know that rin can calm him but you two need to keep him in check....." haru nods and natsumi sighs but nods a well they grab their things and went. yuki was still walking and rin got to him and touched his shoulder to talk to him. "Yuki what's wrong?" she frowned he looked at her. "Who is Shinichi?" he looked away. "They are the one who toke something from me." he said she asked toke what, he said. "When I was little before Master found me....I woke up in a battle field died bodies everywhere..I had no idea why I was there I could not remember anything, and the one there was Shinichi, they said toke something from me,......ugh!" he leaned over. "Yuki!!" she rushed to him. "Sorry....when I try to even remember that moment...my head starts kill me." he said leaning back up. "Yuki.....hmm...I am going to help you find the answers! and we will stop this Shinichi person once and for all!" he looked shocked to hear her say that but more was what she said next. "You saved me Yuki and no matter what I will save you!.....ahh! am sorry for yelling.." she looked down. "No..sure loud things bug me, but your very odd, I don't know why but that makes me happy." he pats her head. "Thank you." she nods with a huge smile. "mhm!", "Aww you two look like a married couple~" haru said. "Ahh!! N-No" rin waved her hands in the air. "Whatever." he turned around. "Go home haru." he said and natsumi was in front of him. "No we were ordered to follow you." he looked to him annoyed. "I don't need you guys to follow me you will get in my way." he said pasting him. "We have to knowing you might do something dumb if you find Shinichi and if that happens we will stop you." he said yuki turned around with a light grin on his face. "I Fucking dare you." he said. "Why you!" haru grabbed him. "Now now no blood fight please we have a lady here." he said. "It doesn't matter, just stay out of my way." he walked away. "Hurry up Rin or am leaving you." he waved, she yelled a am coming and follow behind him. "I know its hard but when they meet it will be chaos." he said natsumi looked away and sighed. "Fine....geez am going to hate this..." he said haru smiled, they went on to follow yuki.

"Heh I see you still seek me, hmm~ do you have the power to stop me and this war...partner?"  

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