Dexter's Big Love Set-up

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One day, Dexter was very busy in his lab, he was fixing non-stop damages Dee Dee had done and it was taking so much of of his time he wasn't able to make any new experiments. "That stupid idiotic girl. Why can't she get it through her head that I want her nowhere near my lab." He said to himself.

He then put his wrench down and wiped some sweat of his forehead. He looked around the lab and it was looking pretty sharp. "Ah, this just shows that a nice day of hard work pays off. Now I can get to work on my experiments!" Dexter said. He then walked over to some of his new formulas to give them testing, thinking Dee Dee would be out of the way today

Just right at that moment, Dee Dee was opening the secret book-case intrence. She ran into the lab with a stupid look. Dexter was very busy at the moment, and didn't notice her. She was laughing, messing around with some important wires in the lab, and within a few seconds it caused a huge explosion.

Dexter's whole lab was once again destroyed, and after he put so much hard work to get it running well again. Dexter was really angry with his stupid sister this time. He was sitting on the ground of his destroyed lab covered in ash.

He then got so mad his hair caught on fire. "DEE DEE!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. He then ran to his stupid sister, who was standing in the middle of the lab covered in ash.

"Hi Dexter." Dee Dee said in a stupid tone, as Dexter was taking deep breaths in anger before saying anything. "Um... Dexter?" Dee Dee asked as she could tell Dexter was indeed not happy with her.

Dee Dee then began to step back nervously a little, as Dexter then finally jumped in anger and screamed at the top of his lungs. "WHAT THE HECK IS IT GONNA TAKE FOR YOU TO GET IT THROUGH YOUR STUPED-IDIOTIC SKULL? I DON'T WANT YOU IN MY LAB YOU STUPID GIRL!"

Dee Dee put her hands on her hips and said in an angry tone. "Hey, I may mess up your lab sometimes but that doesn't make me stupid. I think you're the one who is stupid here brother."

Dexter now was just silent, as he was so amazed by Dee Dee's stupidity that he was at a loss for words. "You know what? How about you just get out of my lab you stupid girl?"

Dee Dee stomped her foot and shouted. "Fine I will! Dork!" She then ran out angry.

"And don't let the door hit you on the way out!" Dexter yelled, as he then heard a slam and Dee Dee shouting in pain.

Dexter then looked at his Lab for awhile and just thought about how long it would take to fix it this time. He then looked down as a tear fell from his eye. He then walked out of his lab, and just went to bed early, crying.

He then had a dream that Dee Dee ran in his lab and was destroying it on purpose. She was smashing everything with a mallet. "Dee Dee, no!" Dexter shouted.

Dee Dee then turned her head to Dexter, looking insane. She then was coming at him with the mallet with an evil look. "Dee Dee, what are you gonna do with? DEE DEE NO!" Just as she hit Dexter with the mallet he then woke up in his bed.

He tossed and turned in his bed for a few minutes. He then grabbed his glasses, putting them on, and said. "Oh, think goodness it was only a dream. I just don't know what I'm gonna do with that stupid sister of mine."

Dexter then noticed his homework over at his desk. He then gasped and ran over to his desk picking up his homework. "Oh, no! I was so busy fixing my lab, I forgot to do my homework."

Later that day at school, Dexter was sweating nervous waiting for what his grade was gonna be, as he only got time to do a little bit of his homework. The teacher gave him his homework with an F. Dexter then screamed out loud. "NOOOO!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2014 ⏰

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