"So.... yes?"

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"Your assignment for the next week: you have to take pictures of someone, and by someone, I mean a human being — and no, it can't be yourselves. Just ask a friend. I'm not asking you for anything specifically, so please, be creative!"

Oh, great. Dottie has been fearing this moment since the classes started a few months ago, and now, her worst nightmare — well, not her worst nightmare, but certainly one of them — has become a reality. 'Just ask a friend', the teacher said. As if it was that easy....

Dottie sat down on her bed that night, watching the raindrops move in the window pane, imagining it was a race between them.

"What am I going to do?" She asked Piggles, as if the little kitten could give her the answer. "I know, I could ask Jack, but.... I don't really want to. Or maybe Angie.... no, forget it. That's not a good idea. Someone has probably asked her already. Someone cooler than me."

Dottie sighed. "Why can't I take pictures of you, little one?" She said, picking the kitten up from the floor and bringing him to bed, letting the animal curl up on her pillow next to her.

"Maybe...." She smiled at the thought. Not because it was a good idea, but of how much she'd love to take pictures of that determined person.

"She'd be perfect." She continued, already imagining which photographs she'd take if she could find the courage to ask her. "But.... Oh, what am I going to do?!"

If it already seemed like a terrible idea last night, in the morning it seemed like madness, but... Dottie can't deny she wasn't considering it. She couldn't ask her best friend because she wanted to ask her, she wanted to take pictures of her only. She only wanted to take pictures of the smart, cute, and beautiful girl who sat next to her in every class they have together.

She spent the whole morning distracted, constantly thinking on how to ask her and constantly changing her mind about doing it. She wanted to ask her. Her heart wanted to ask her, but her mind didn't.

"Hey. Are you alright?"

The question made her abandon her thoughts, bringing her abruptly back to reality.

"Oh! Um, yes." She answered a few seconds later, noticing that the voice asking her how she was, belonged to Peggy, and that the hand resting on her shoulder was Peggy's too. "Yes, I'm fine." She reassured, blushing slightly a tad embarrassed.

"Are you sure?" Peggy asked again. "I don't mean to intrude, but you don't seem alright."

"I...." Dottie's heart began to beat faster. Not just because she was talking to her, not because she had noticed that there's something going on in her mind, but because of the hand that was resting on her shoulder. "It's nothing you should worry about."

"Hmm.... okay, if you're sure...." Peggy said not very convinced and took her hand away from her shoulder, making her calm down a little.

"Well, actually...." She began, her heart racing again. "There's this assignment I have to do for my photography class. We have to find someone to take pictures of and I.... I would like...."

She stopped for a moment and took a deep breath. "Can I take some photos of you?"

It took Peggy only three seconds to talk again, but for Dottie, it was an eternity. "You want me to be your model?" Peggy asked, completely shocked.

"Yes." Dottie said softly, almost whispering and already preparing herself for the worst.

"Oh. That's flattering." Peggy said, giggling softly as her face grew pink quickly.

Dottie moved her gazed from the floor to meet Peggy's, finding to her surprise the girl blushing strongly. Dottie couldn't help but smile. She was really beautiful. "So.... that's a yes?"

"Yes." Peggy answered, nodding at the same time, and moving her gaze to meeting Dottie's as well.

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