Birthdays and Bacon

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Alarm clocks are the most horrible things in the world. They beep and beep and make it impossible for you to go back to sleep. Especially when your mom wakes up before you.

"Brooke! You heard the alarm clock! Wake up!" my mother shouts from the kitchen.

The only reason I actually got up right away is because I smell bacon. Something's wrong. The only time my mom makes bacon is on special Christmas or New Years or...

"My birthday!" I shout to no one. How could I forget my own birthday? I'm 17 years old today. I go to my calendar to mark the day but I can't find the month. Literally. Its like the page was ripped out. Oh, well.

February 18 is my favorite day in the whole world. Well, of course it is. I think every kids favorite day is their birthday.

I get dressed in my favorite pink layered skirt and my cute white crop top . I toped of my outfit with my pink ballet shoes and went downstairs.

"Happy birthday, my little princess!" My mom says in a singing type way.

"Mom, could you not call me that? I'm 17 years old."

"Your right...Princess."

"Whatever." I say. I eat breakfast as my mom tells me that everything is set for the party.

"So, by....lets say 11:00 everyone should be gone."

"Uh! Why not 12:00?"

"Compromise -11:30."


"Your dad is going to be back by 10. I'll get rid of him for you." she said and winked.

I'm a blond girl and bright green eyes. I guess if the whole school knows who you are and your friends with everyone and have problems with no one, you can say I'm popular. I like to say I'm a drama avoider and a friendly person. Yeah, I know to much happiness can kill a person but I'm not dead yet.

"See you later, my little princess."

I got up from the table saying, "My name's Brooke."

My car was a red sleek sports car that I got for my 16th birthday.

"Hey, Brooke. Happy Birthday. Want a ride today?" My neighbor, (and boyfriend) Leigh said.

"Hey, Leigh. On my birthday? Nah. I'd rather drive myself. You right behind me?" I said as I got ready to go in my car.

"You know it."

My boyfriend got into his car and I got into mine. When I looked into my rearview mirror I saw his black Lamborghini driving right behind mine. On some days he can convince me to let him drive but not today. I'm my own person today. I would rather do things myself than let someone else do it.

At school everybody crowed around me as walked to my locker with Leigh.

"Happy birthday, Brooke."

"Happy B-day, Brooke."

"Yo, Brooke. Hey birthday girl."

"Happy birthday babe. I'm sorry."


"What did you say, Leigh?"

"I said I love you and these people need to back off my girl."

"I thought...nevermind."

I picked my through the crowd as the bell rung for first period. I said goodbye and walked through the door for my first class of the day: Social Studies.

Little did i know that my life was about to change as soon as i stepped into the classwork.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2014 ⏰

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