Somebody Else by The 1975

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I was in a toxic relationship, but the problem was i was the one who was toxic. She wasnt any better but i think i was the worser, she was so sweet all the time but i dont think either of us were ready for a relationship, i can barely even remember the 6 months we dated because i was so mentally ill, this was the lowest my mental health had ever been and i had convinced myself i didnt love her, even though when i look back now i really did, i broke her heart, i broke up with her on valentines day, like an idiot. there is nothing i regret more than doing that. but anyway after the fact i found out she was already talking to somebody else, probably even before we had broken up, and before i knew it she had a new girlfriend. i hated that she had a new girlfriend, i didnt want to be with her but i hated that she could just move on like that, and so fast. ive moved on though, ive gotten better, ive got a new girlfriend and im doing the best i could possibly be doing.

when she left she took my few friends with her, so for months it was just me and my head, i had nobody to talk to, nobody to help me. I dont think this song saved me but it definitely put my feeling into words.

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