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"I'm ready. Take me to this master."
Christopher was awfully silent. Then he whispered to her as they walked down the halls to an open door way with red light shining through.

"Do not underestimate him." But before she could reply a sister appeared out of no where.

"I'll take her from here. Thank you Christopher." Christopher bowed his head slightly, turned and briskly walked in the opposite direction.

At this point Cathy knew she was in for a treat as she entered the red lit room and saw a school of nuns sitting around a small centre table that held one candle that was also lit. The nun that took her over showed her her seat right before the table. On the opposite end a man kept his head bent as he repeatedly murmured an unfamiliar chant.
"Jabba labaa cah ka. Ro ho.  Coko no."
All the nuns chimed in as he continued. The chant got louder and Cathy  ducked her head in respect. Suddenly all the candle lights including the one on the table went out. The chanting stopped.

"Welcome our newest treasure, sisters." His English was perfect. His accent was like honey. No wonder his status is "master".

Sitting opposite this so called master, Cathy could see him lift his head. There, he pierced her eyes and spoke.

"You are welcomed, miss Murray." "We can feel the spirit of the Lord here so we are sure you are his choice. We shall prepare you for him. You came, not by your own will but by the will of him who sent you so release your self and serve your Lord for you are his slave and he is your master."

Suddenly a strange smell passed across Cathy's nose and everything went from red to pitch black.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2019 ⏰

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