Lost Dreams

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『 Lost Dreams 』

⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ 【 失われた夢 】

I am trapped in the dark. Where has the light gone? I'm so scared... What can I do to open my eyes? Those dreams I used to have, so sweet and so bright, are all lost now. Now, I can only see the ravenous monsters ahead, ready to devour me whole the second I make the slightest mistake. Yet, that monster there has a familiar face. Could it be...? I have truly fallen off the edge. Have I pushed myself this far, or have they? Has he? The face on that one looks so friendly and welcoming. Oh, I can feel the devil tightening his grip around my heart. I do think now that my ultimate mistake was playing along with his game. Because of that single choice, I have fallen deeper into the shadows than I ever planned to. He is my enemy, the reason I am like this now. If only I could take it back, and let his offer go...maybe I would be able to get those nice dreams back again. Maybe, on a whim, I could have let the hatred go, and been happy. But, it's far too late now. I've already gone too far. I dug my own grave on that day while he watched me, flowers in hand, the coffin already open. His claws pierce my skin; those words, so calm and peaceful, are the poison that holds me down; his crimson eyes ablaze have put me under an eternal spell - the demon's whisper is so tempting. One cannot resist the attraction. He has me on his puppet strings, and he will never let me go. - ☠

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