A sweet new additon

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Lili's POV
Today is the day I get to meet a 8 month old that my cousin has we're not that close I actually just found out that we were related so this is like my second time meeting him. He just had a baby a couple months ago her name is Anna. And he was married to a wonderful woman named grace but she died giving birth to Anna. I'm in the car now they live about four hour and thirty minutes away from me. I'm just so excited to meet Anna I have extreme baby fever and Anna is so cute
I FaceTimed her every day this week.


I finally got there grabbed my suit case because I'm gonna be staying the weekend with them I walked in and was greeted by my cousin walker.

" hey Lili I thought you weren't coming till two" he said as he hugged me

"I just couldn't wait to see my baby,were is that little stinker" I said trying to look around for her

"She is still asleep but, I guess you can go get her"

" oh yay" I said dashing to the stares

I walk up the stares to Anna's room and open the door. She was laying asleep in her bed I go over to her and see that she though up a little bit in her sleep.

" oh poor baby" I say and rub her back

I was informed this morning by walker that she has a disease we're she has seizures she calls them quakes witch is really cute so I thought the spit-up was just cause she had a seizure

"Baby time to wake up" I said patting her back

She started to cry

"Hey no fuss, look it's ok sweetness" I say taking her into my arms walking over to her rocking chair sitting down placing her on my chest so she can hear my hart beat.

" is that better honeybunchies"
She just closed her eyes while she held on to my bra strap.

That's when walker came in and said he got called into work he asked me if I would be ok here with her until like ten PM

" oh course could you just take a picture of us" I said handing him my phone

"Yeah also her is her bottle"

"Oh by the way what do you feed her is it formula or what because I mean If Grace was still here I would think she would still be breast feeding" i said

" Um.. yeah it's breast milk grace pumped like a whole bunch of it" he said

"Ok just wondering"

He took the picture and gave my phone back to me I posted it on instagram

Lili_reinhart: bonding with my babyLiked byMadelame, colesprose, and 265 others

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Lili_reinhart: bonding with my baby
Liked by
Madelame, colesprose, and 265 others

"Thanks what do you want me to do if she has a seizure"

" try to calm her down hold her in your arms after it's past put the bottle in her mouth or a pacifier"

M•O•M•M•Y ( adopted by Lili Reinhart)Where stories live. Discover now