Incident Report 437

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Subject involved : SCP-437-1


Location : Test room 34 ( Kid's playground )

Description : Incident log as compiled by Doctor Grantham, the doctor in charged of the treatment and observation of SCP-437-1, Codename: Alice.

The following is the description log for the death of Doctor Heironymous Q. Wilson ( Harry ), SCP-437-1's previous supervisor in Rutledge Asylum.

17:13:05 : Doctor Harry entered Test Room 34 against the repeated attempts of being warned by Doctor Grantham.

17:14:00 : Doctor Harry is now beside Subject-437 that is pulling the hair out of the doll that was given as a play toy.

17:14:08 : SCP-437-1 hugs Doctor Harry and proceeds to stab him roughly 7 times in the back with a knife that was hidden in her skirt.

17:15:30 : The medical team rushed in to separate SCP-437-1 from Doctor Harry. SCP-437-1 was found unconscious. She had knocked herself out with the blunt end of the knife.

The knife was later found missing from the kitchen. The knife was laced with blood obtained from SCP-437-2, therefore was lethal upon entry to Doctor Harry's body. SCP-437-1 had been in close relation to SCP-437-2 as per request from Doctor Harry himself, as a company for SCP-437-1 after her traumatizing experience.

SCP-437-2 was later found dead in his containment.

SCP-437-1 was brought into interrogation though denying the murder and placing the blame on Doctor Grantham.

Doctor Harry's body was disposed of soon after.

End of report.

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