Chapter 1

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The grass was soft beneath her, birds were chirping all around and the faint scent of fragrance surrounded Alice. She gripped her hand trying to get a sense of where she had ended up. Her head was pounding and limbs were weak but she creaked open her eyes to see a hole where she had fell down. But as quickly as it appeared, Alice saw her only way out slowly shrink and disappear.

Alice sat upright and looked around, trying to assess her current situation. She was in a cave with an opening straight ahead of her, about few steps away. She got on all fours and dragged herself towards it. The cave floor was damp. It felt moist and cold to the touch. One hand after the other as she inched towards the light at the end of the cave.

The warmth of the sun coursed through her body as she had her hands over her eyes, sheltering her from the piercing rays. As her eyes adjusted to the brightness, she noticed that she was in the middle of a forest. Trees overshadowed and surrounded her from all sides. All she saw was a long dirt road leading into what she assumed was deeper into the forest. She slowly stood up on both her legs and stretched, until she felt a sharp pain on her left thigh.

She was bleeding.

"Fuck," Alice thought to herself, trying to reason with the severity of the wound. She bit off a part of her pants and bandaged up the wound, trying to minimize the bleeding.

"Hopefully this will be enough to numb the pain for awhile",  Alice took a deep breath and started following the dirt road.

The dirt road was very clear, but as she continued on, the forest around her grew thicker. The branches that got into her way met an unfortunate end as she tore them apart, one by one with her bare hands. She pressed on until the road just abruptly ended. Looking ahead to where the road should be, she saw a cottage, not far from where the trail ended.

It looked small from afar, but now she's standing in front of the door, she realized it looked more like a cabin than a cottage. There was smoke coming out of the chimney so there was definitely somebody home. The door had a sign that wrote "Mr. Absolem".

She was cold, starving and injured. Judging by the name, whoever lived her won't put up much of a fight, she thought to herself. 

Alice walked up the steps as she was greeted by the creaks of the porch. She knocked on the door a few times but to no response. She felt warm air being blown through the space between the door. She went back down the porch again, circling around the cabin, trying to find another way in. The curtains were pulled shut and the door was locked. Annoyed that she was being ignored, Alice broke the window by the porch and pulled down the curtains so she could throw herself in without getting cut by the glass.

Once inside, the warmth of the fireplace blasted her face and her entire body. The place was well furnished, it doesn't seem like the place of someone who lived out in the middle of no where. Instead, it looked like the interior of an experienced wood smith. The tables were carved with fancy patterns engraved onto the surface. The patterns seemed to tell a story. The first panel was a girl that fell down from a whole, she then wandered through the forest and entered a small cabin. There, she met a caterpillar that seems to be holding a churchwarden pipe and the panels just end abruptly. It was then, Alice realized that she had been so distracted that she did not notice the room being filled up with a strange smoke. Alice tried holding her breath and climbing out the window she came from, but as she turned around, the window was not there anymore. Alice calmed herself and looked around her surroundings but she couldn't see anything. The haze grew thicker until it turned a dark shade of blue.

Alice was greeted with a terrible miasma so thick, she could barely see the table in front of her. All she saw around the room were the lit candles that acted as partial illumination to the atmosphere. The floor was wet and sticky. The presumed living room had miniature furniture she could see an arm chair fit for her hands and a she could see blood on the walls. Something was off.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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