Chapter One

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Axel never had a family, she didn't know how or why, but she's always been alone. The only family Axel has is Jeremy, her longtime best friend and life saver. When Axel isn't with Jeremy she's almost always at the grill playing pool or hanging around her house lonely. Axel spends all or most nights with Jeremy, cuddling while watching movies, playing video games, or even smoking. If you didn't know them you'd think they were a couple. She even spends her mornings with him, especially when Miranda and Grayson Gilbert passed away in an unfortunate accident on Wickery Bridge last spring. This fine morning in the Gilbert house Axel got up, yes, out of Jeremy's bed where they were recently cuddled, and took a shower passing Elena on the way downstairs where she knew Jeremy was.

When Axel got there, she leaned in the doorway watching Jeremy closely like she always does. Jenna was rambling on about toast, lunch money(which Axel grabbed due to her constant state of hunger), and almost missing a presentation, so that's exactly how Jenna Sommers left the house. Worried and in a hurry.

As soon as Jenna leaves Elena turns to Jeremy," Are you okay?" But with them being the teenagers they are, Jeremy's reply is a scoff with a newly added," Don't start." Taking a sip as he walks out, Jeremy also wraps an arm around Axel's shoulders which are clad in her usual leather jacket. " I'm getting a ride with Bonnie, do you guys want one?" Elena asks as she swiftly spins around to grab her backpack, but only after there's an obnoxious honk outside. Axel is full of attitude and the only person who actually knows what she's feeling and thinking is Jeremy, she also has a blatant distaste for Elena thinking she needs to back off and not be so uptight. "I'm not here for you Elena." As Axel says that you can hear the clear sass added onto the thickness of her British accent but no emotion is portrayed. With that Axel and Jeremy walk away.

When they're at school they usually hang with the "druggies." Right now Axel is attached to Jeremy's side while he tells Vicki Donovan about some pills, but she's too spaced out wondering if she's going to have to sleep on the couch, or in the bathtub which is surprisingly comfortable, later that night. When Vicki comes over to "hang out" with Jeremy, Axel is always left on the couch (or in the bathtub) because she doesn't want to be anywhere near them during their "hang out" sessions. Tyler Lockwood walks up," Hey Vic, I knew I'd find you here with the crackheads. Little Jeremy, always a pleasure to see you." As usual, Axel is thinking about how stupid Vicki Donovan must be to date a douche like him, especially when Vicki's going behind his back for Jeremy. She tunes out a lot of their conversation, mostly because she knows Tyler won't do anything, but tunes back in when Tyler says he can "still kick his ass." Referring to Jeremy apparently. As Tyler pulls Vicki in for a makeout session, Axel drags Jer away due to having to use the restroom and because Jeremy's eyes are getting more red by the second, meaning he needs to put eyedrops in. Because they're inseperable she'll go into the men's restroom without a care in the world, the teachers and staff have long since stopped caring.

Once they get to the bathroom Jeremy hands something off to some guy and walks in, hand in hand with Axel per usual. While Jeremy is putting eyedrops in she heads to a stall,does her business, and washes her hands. During the time she's drying them, Elena walks into the bathroom checking Jeremy out."Great, it's the first day of school and you're stoned." Elena being the judgy person she is doesn't even listen when Jeremy says he's not. "Where is it? Is it on you?" Elena starts feeling him up trying to find "it". Jeremy starts complaining," Stop okay? You need to chill yourself, alright?" Elena begins going on about if "chill myself" is stoner talk and how Jeremy is so cool. Yet, she continues looking for what "it" is. "Stop! I don't have anything on me, are you crazy?"

" Crazy, Jeremy? Oh you haven't seen crazy! I gave you a summer pass but i am done watching you destroy yourself" Elena goes on in a defeated tone. " No, no, no, keep it up! But just know that I am going to be there to ruin your buzz everytime, you got it?" She only pauses for a guy whose passing to get out of the bathroom. "Jeremy I know who you are, and it's not this person. So don't be this person." Elena's sad and beaten voice seemed to throw Jeremy off. "I don't need this. C'mon Ax." Elena seemed really surprised that Axel was there, in the men's room, but Axel was surprised that the sound of her combat heels clicking against the tile didn't alert Elena sooner. " Back off your brother Elena." With that, Axel resumed her place holding Jeremy's left hand and being tucked under his left arm. She felt safe, like she often did in that position, as they left the bathroom for the first class of the day. Elena being often surprised by the coldness, and denseness of Axel DeClaremont's accent.

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