Introduction to Laketin City

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The three islands of Nullam Tres lie in the order of Mons Flammas, Rial, and Laketin City, in a South-East diagonal line.

Laketin City is a misdemeanor, as it is an island, but scales to the size of Kuala Lumpur, and is a desolate desert. Laketin City is definitely not the choice picked by many as it is run by strict rules and tight security- it rivals what would happen if a Hitler met Tony Abbott.

It lies beyond Rial, furthest away from Mons Flammas, but in terms of economy and trading it ranks above the fire island. A tiny island no bigger than the city of London lies to its east, and it is inhabited by land and water sharks, who also police the surrounding waters and prevent any unofficial trips away from the prison like island.

Most of the city lies on the east coast, a little trailing towards the west near Finn Island, the rest uninhabitable due to such harsh desert conditions. The suburbs are connected by railway lines, and in the heart of the city is a lake. The colours are grey and yellow, plain and drab compared to the firey golds and oranges of Wintonine (see Nullam Tres- Tales from Mons Flammas).

Each suburb is surrounded by barbed wire in attempts to prevent any runaways to the desert, the only loopholes in the dangerous railway lines not being surrounded by the barbed fencing. Although risking a run across those is nearly suicide. Dragons from the Orken tribe once inhabited Laketin City before it was called so, but the dictator-like leader Adeen Acchoda drove them out of what was then Sola Insula and made it Laketin City.

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