Chapter Four - Little Black Dress

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I trudge into my 8 AM lecture, my bleached blonde hair tied back into a messy bun and body dressed in comfortable leggings and a baggy hoodie. Glasses are perched on my nose, and my face makeup-free.

Just your typical university student.

I sit in the back and pull out my notebook and pen. I stare at the door and watch as students filter into the room. The theatre fills up slowly and is emptier than usual. I'm guessing it's too early for some students.

I wish I stayed home. I could do with a few hours more of sleep.

I rest my head on my folded arms, my eyes still trained on the door.

I wonder if he'll turn up?

I push the thought out of my brain and tear my eyes away. I sit up straight and open my notebook. I begin to doodle. My pen going around and around in circles as I wait for the lecture to start.

I keep peeking at the door, but Zac doesn't show. The lecture starts, and I take notes. My mind far away, embarrassingly thinking about where Zac is and what he's doing.

I hit my knuckles against Libby's bedroom door, her reply is instant.

"Hey, come in."

I open the door and she's sat on her bed, laptop on her legs which are crossed. Her hair mirrors mine and she's still in pyjamas.

"Did you skip?" I ask her and she shakes her head. I walk over and sit next to her, peering over and looking at her laptop screen. She's messaging Jessica, talking about Jessica's upcoming house party Wednesday night. She's always having parties, but she can afford it. Her parents are rich, her dad owns multiple businesses and they have several houses throughout the country that they rent out for extra income – not that they need it.

Jessica is exactly what you'd expect, snotty and your typical rich girl. She throws money around like it's nothing – well to her it is. Nothing gets in the way of what she wants.

"No, I didn't. It was cancelled," she responds as she types out a reply to Jessica. "Jessica is having a party Wednesday, you're coming. I'm not letting you stay cooped up in that room of yours. Also, it's almost the end of term."

"No-no-no. Not going to happen. End of term means loads of essays are due in and I can't afford to fail," I say quickly. She shoots me a look.

"So? Get hot sexy boy to help you, I'm sure he won't mind. Maybe you can pay him back," she sticks her tongue out and winks at me. I blush at the possibility of what she means. I look away from her and take her room in.

It's so messy, she has clothes strewn across the carpeted floor, and her desk is full of mugs, cups and empty bottles of vodka. She has piles of books on her bookshelf, all smutty stuff that she keeps trying to get me to read because, in her words, "you need some experience, even if it's just fictional."

I love her really, but I don't get the obsession with sex. I'm probably just broken, but I'm not interested. Unless... unless... ugh I don't want to finish that sentence.

"Earth to Lia." I snap back to Libby snapping her fingers in front of my face and a look of impatience on her face. "Are you daydreaming about Zac again?"

My cheeks heat up. "N-no!" I choke out. "No, why would I do that?" My voice is too high for my liking. This is embarrassing.

"Sure, anyway, I'm going to make you look really hot..." I tune her out and start to plan my getaway. Do I ask Zac out? I could lie and clue him into it... but then he'd want to actually go on a date with me and I can't do that. No. One date is bad enough. My father will kill me when he finds out. He always finds out.

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