Him and My Memories

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Pure darkness all I can see, sounds of war I can hear.......I can see Arrows and tanted swords beside me...

"Where am I?", how did I get here?".

I only hear the canons and the men fighting nearby my location.

"I can't move, my body is stiff"

"Help!!, anyone please!,help me I can't move" I tried to yell for help. Suddenly a tall man covered me using his halberg to dodge the incoming arrows. I snicked a look to see his face; he look like monk yet move like a ninja..."who is this man?"

"Are you alright?" ( he asked with a worried look),

"I'm fine thanks to you", I neel down and bow my head to show my appriciation.

"No don't do that, as a aristocrat's daughter isn't appropriate to neel down and bow your head", he proclaimed

"An Aristocrat?"

"Wait who are you?" he asked with a confused look on his face.

"I don't remember who am I, and who did I get here"

"You losted your memories!"

"Yes, the only thing I could remeber is my given name, Akiko"

"I'll take you to safety, there you could be safe untill your memories had return to you" he held my right hand and pulled me up. He called out his horse;"Max!", a beautiful black horse came coming in our direction. He hooped on his horse and leaded a hand.

" Are you coming or not?" he asked me with a smile.

"What is you named good sir?" I gaze my sight to him.

"My name is not worth saying"

" Please tell me as my savour I have my right to know your name so I could say thank you properly"

He gazed his looks to the road and never answered my question. As the horse being faster every minute I suddenly reached his hand.

"Ah", he reacted

"Oh I'm sorry"....

"No is my fault, because I'm not really used to woman's touch" his face was covered with imbarassment. We stop in a river near the camp sight. We waited outside the camp because he said were going to meet someone first. Out in the dark a handsome man walking towards our direction.

"Benkei, I'm glad you have returned" the man greeted him.

So his name was Benkei...

"Who's this fine lady?" the mysterious man asked.

"I found her in the wood all alone. I rescued her from further more danger. I believe she says that she losted her memories", Benkei answered neeling down with his head bowed down. This man must be in higher rank.

"My name is Yoshitsune Minamoto"


"I'm a genji general of the Minamoto clan" he answered with calm smile.

Benkei stood up as he reported the informations he got to Yoshitsune.

They both escourted me to the camp sight. A man with a silver hair came towards us.

"Whose she? and why is she here!", he asked angerly.

"Don't scary the poor girl", Yoshitsune defended.

"But she might be a Taira assassin, sent to kill you", the man warned him.

"I found her in the woods without knowledge of herself", Benkei answered.

"Now Huaga, if she's an assassin she could have killed me by now", Yoshitsune interrupted. I can see the worried look in Huaga's face about Yoshitune's well being. Huaga gave a sharp look towards after turning around leaving.

"You'll be staying in my estate until your memories had return", Yoshitsune offered.

"Thank you for your kindness I'm in your dept", I bowed down my head to properly say thank you.

After hours of traveling we have arrived in Yoshitsune's estate before is time for dinner. I requested that I'll be preparing the meal exchange to what they have done for me. Yoshitsune agreed to my idea and had Benkei lead the way. I stared at him while we walked the hallway.

"Is something wrong Aki", he looked at me with his face all red.

"No, I just realize that your such a warrior, your tuff and realiable no wonder Yoshitsune trust you alot", I smile at him.

"Is my duty to show no weakness to anyone", Benkei spoked with pride. I had already prepared the meal for tonights dinner. Everyone ate like theres no tomorrow. I stared at Benkei as he eat, seeing him appriciating the food I feel my heart was filled with joy.

"Is something in my face?", he asked with curiousity in his eyes.

"No is just you look so cute while eating, even if you are a 6ft tall warrior", I answered with a smile. Benkei look up in the ceiling to hide his embarassment. I laugh at him because of his reaction.

"Why are you laughing now?", Benkei asked with a red face.

"Nothing really", answered and then left. Benkei grab hold of my hand stoping me to stand. Seeing him stoping me I could feel my face heating up....

"Oh sorry, its.....ju....just don't go off to long, ok". Is he worried of me of going way from the banquet. My heart was thrubbing so hard. " I just go out for some fresh air", I spoke looking away from him.

I stared in to sky, seeing both the moon and the stars were shine so bright in the clear night sky. After seeing the stars I thought of maybe is time to go to my room. I went back to the banquet and asked permission to Lord Yoshitsune if I may leave the banquet and rest in my room. Yoshitsune looked at me with his gentle smile and he looked behind me then.

"Benkei would you assist Aki to her room"

"Yes, Lord Yoshitsune", Benkei bowed and turn to me. He suddenly had hold of my hand and lead me to my room.

"Thump, thump, thump"

Why is my heart beating so violenty, is like I'm going to passed out. I gazed a look at Benkei's face, his face was red. My head was full of curiosity. But even so I feel a little different when Benkei touches my hand.I'm happy to know there is somebody that worry about me.

"Is there something wrong Aki?", He asked while looking to my eyes directly.

"Oh......No..nothing don't mind me", I turned so I could hide my imbarassment.

"Well any way here is your room Aki, call if you need some help, ok", Benkei smiled so calmly like Yoshitsune's but why is it is more different to how heart react to it.

"Oh...thank you....Benkei"

"Gladly to be at help", replying with a smile then he closed the door. I laid out the futon and buried my face at my pillow. His smile was very different to Yoshitsune's smile, went I see Benkei's smile...I could feel his warmth and a slite feeling of lonelyness in his smile. I coudn't take of the thought of his smile, it really made a mark to my mind.

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