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( hellton academy )


Violet Everton thought that she had had a bad enough day, with her being forced into a school that wasn't particularly welcoming and to top that, that pervert Nolan making her feel like a nasty whore in a brothel. But, alas, her parents decided to make all things worse.

"Madeline," Her mother began, "If we could have a moment alone with our daughter, that would be wonderful." She smiled a sweet smile, fake, but sweet nonetheless.

Violet stiffened completely, sending her friend a look that was begging her to find some excuse to stay in the room. "Of course." Madeline replied hesitantly, sending her own look in reply to Violet's that read a simple, I'm sorry.

"Thank you." Her father said shortly, ushering her out of the door, before shutting it quietly. "Now, Violet, we want to talk to you."

Violet, who couldn't hold her tongue, replied softly, "Yeah, I figured." Of course, once she said this, her eyes grew wide with fear and her hands shook with anxiety.

"What did you say to your father?" Her mother spat loudly, her fingers gripping her daughter's chin, forcing her to look up at her.

"Nothing." Violet let out pathetically, her voice wavering unsteadily. Her mother let go of her chin, smacking her head sideways.

"That's what I thought." She replied venomously, crossing her arms over her sweater clad chest.

You would never guess that the Evertons were such an evil bunch, with their seemingly normal and warm appearance, but on the inside, only few knew the true horrors of what went on there. Violet was sad to say she was one of those people.

"Now, we wanted to remind you that you came to this school, so they could make you better." Her father stated simply, and from the way he worded it, anyone listening in might think his daughter had an illness. "Rid your head of these, these devilish notions!" He was getting more heated now, his teeth gritted and his face flushed. "Even now, I can see a room full of sins." He pointed to the bag full of makeup located in her suitcase. "What is this? Cosmetics? I thought we raised you better than this! I thought we taught you to follow the path of God!" He was livid, his face red with anger and eyes shining with disappointment in his daughter.

"Father, I'm sorry. I promise I'll follow the lord's path, I am following his path." Violet grasped her father's hand. "I promise." She spoke her words softly, gripping his hand tightly. As much as she despised her parents all she ever wanted was their love and approval. She wanted them to be proud of her.

"I know you will, because you know the consequences if you don't." He took the bag from her suitcase and dumped its contents on her desk. He threw all of the items in the trash can with distaste. Her bottom lip shook miserably, and her eyes welled with tears. "You'll be sent off to Europe to join the nuns." He had been making this threat for years, being a true Catholic, but there was something about how he voiced it that made Violet realise it wasn't an empty threat anymore.

"Father, please. Don't make me-" She was silenced when her father looked at her, his eyes bugging and the vain in his forehead bulging. He approached Violet swiftly, before laying a deep, resounding slap to her face. She let out an agonizing sob, tears running freely down her face. "Yes, father." She corrected herself, her voice a mere squeak.

"Now," Her mother began, sitting beside Violet on her bed, "It's important that while you're here, you find a man suitable enough to be a fit husband." She wiped the tears from her daughter's eyes, before continuing, "Someone who you'll be able to cook and clean for, someone bound for great things. You want someone who'll make enough money for you to live a comfortable life with your many children." She gave Violet a once over and tutted loudly. "But, I'm afraid something has to be done with this awful hair of yours if you're to ever attract a boy."

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