Chapter 1. The start

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"Ugh!" I yelled, pacing around my tardis. There was alien activity near, and it was messing up her energy system. Sorry did I forget to introduce my self, I am the GalliStar, a princess of Gallifrey. I am also the last surviving Time Lady.

Gallifrey was burned up by another of my kind. I didn't blame then though, the daleks were getting out of hand. After that, no one ever saw him again. Sometimes, I wonder what really happened, if he really died, escaped and ran away or if he regenerated.

The tardis suddenly gave out a huge burst of power, sending us spinning into earth. "That's strange." I thought to myself. "The alien activity is coming from earth". The tardis automatically showed me what alien. I fainted

Doctors POV:

I hate being alone. Yes I was alone, no companions at all. I was taking a walk through London when I saw the tardis. "What! I didn't park it there" I then gasped. There are stories of another time lord, a time lady to be precise. She escaped the time war, never to be seen again. She has her own tardis. I slowly walk up to the strange tardis and open the door with my sonic screwdriver.

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