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Di rumah bts....

Jimin:hyung jom gi jln².......chim bsn ah...
RM:jln² kt mn.....
Jk:kt sturbucks ke atau shopping ke......jom lah hyung....kami bsn ni....
Jin:aq bg masa 20min jer untk bersiap...klu x tkyah gi.....

Dorang pon pegi lah tukar bj....

Namjoon outfit

Namjoon outfit

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Jin outfit

Suga outfit

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Suga outfit

Jhope outfit

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Jhope outfit

Jhope outfit

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V outfit

Jimin outfit

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Jimin outfit

Jungkook outfit

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Jungkook outfit

Dorang pon geraklah ke destinasi

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Dorang pon geraklah ke destinasi.....smpi destinasi dorang terkejut apabila ternmpk blacktwice di sturbucks.......dorang nk tegur tp bts ditegur oleh seulgi joy yeri irene wendy iu and bora

Seulgi:hai namjoon oppa.....
RM:sape oppa kau....ko nk ape lagi seulgi.....kite dh xde pape.....
Seulgi:smpi hati oppa ckp mcm tu....ape slh seulgi kt oppa......
Jin:mmg smpi hati pon.....korang xde slh pon ngan kita orang tp perangai korang yg gedik tu buat kami menyampah.....
Joy:mcm tu skli eh korang.....jin oppa you can do this to me....i love you....
Jin:i hate you.....
Yeri:suga oppa jom teman yeri gi shopping jom....
Suga:aq bkn oppa kau lah....lagi satu aq xsuka gi shopping......

Semasa bts gaduh ngan ex dorang.....bts x tahu pon yg blacktwice tengok drama tu......jisoo menyampah dan terus bangun untk ajar pompuan² x guna tu....yg lain pon same ikut jer si jisoo.....

Smpi shj tmpt bts bergaduh jisoo pon mulakan sesi ceramah.......

Jisoo:assalamualaikum....saya nk beri tahu yg ni tmpt awam.....klu nk buat drama pls jgn disini yer....klu yer pon nk bercinta pls balik umah masing².....klu nk dating jgn menonjol sangat.....sbb ramai yg menyampah.....
Momo:betul tu......klu nk menangis ker ape ker jgn di tmpt awam....buat malu 7 keturunan jer.......
Yeri:ko sape.....biar lah kami nk buat ape pon......
Jisoo:woi ni tmpt awam....kau ingat tmpt ni bapak ko punya...aq rase pompuan mcm korang ni x lyk untk hidup kot........korang pompuan yg xde maruah.......dh jom gurls kite blh....aq nk mkn pon x senang.....

Dorang pon blah.....bts pulak kejar blacktwice......dorang pon pelik lah mn pegi sdh balcktwice....

Dorang pon cari lah.....tibe² bts ditegur oleh blacktwice......

Sorry klu ff ni bsn or merapu sikit.....klu nk tahu ending dia teruskan membaca....k bye

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