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Before The Event

Meeting Trina

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap. Pause. Again. Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap. Pause. One long tap. Again.

It's the sound my fingers make as they fly over the keyboard of the laptop. The sound of my soul, my dream, my hopes, my life. The words fill my head and I rush to make sure they all make it to the page. Words, upon words, upon words. All of them coming together to create a world, to create characters, to create a story.

That is who I am, and that will never change. I am a writer. It's the only thing I know that I can do, and while I might not have a plan set in stone for how I will make this apart of the rest of my life, I will do it somehow. One step at a time. Because that is what makes life amazing.

The idea that you can change your life with a few words. A barely put together plan can become the thing that drives you. An idea is all it takes to build something and make it real. That's amazing. You don't have to know what you are going to do, you just have to know you are going to do it.

Tap, tap, tap.

The only other sound more satisfying than the sound of typing would have to be music. But the sound of typing is music enough, at least to me.

Tap, tap, tap.

"What are you doing?"

I look up. I didn't even realize that there was someone sitting next to me, I was too engrossed in the story to notice anything around me. The person who asks the question speaks again, "What are you doing?"

She doesn't say it in a rude way, no cheerful, and just about as curious as to the amber eyes that look over at my screen. Normally I would close the laptop as soon as possible, hide it away, but that's what I do with my parents around. For some reason today, I feel that I can trust this girl. I find that I can read people easily, it may be a writer thing, but I can. I have a decent grasp of generalizing people and figuring out who they are. And she does not look anything like a rude person. She's new I guess, and I don't recognize her. But perhaps I've seen her before and never noticed. Perhaps.

"I'm writing," I answer, looking between my screen and her. Her eyes are on the screen, I can tell by the way her focus goes left and right she is reading the words.

"What are you writing about?" She asks, scooting her chair closer and leaning in so her shoulder touches mine. When she realizes, her eyes snap back at me. "I'm sorry, I hope you don't mind, but I saw you and you looked interesting and I was curious as to what you are doing and I know I was being rude, I'm so sorry for interrupting. I could leave if you would like, I don't have to stay. I know I'm a total stranger just popping up and sitting next to you." She bites her lip when she realizes she has been rambling.

"It's fine," I tell her, "and, you can stay if you would like."

Her eyes light up. "Really?"


And that for some reason makes her smile and she leans in closer to the laptop. Eyes quickly skimming over all the words, but with my permission, she takes the laptop and scrolls all the way to the top of the word document. She reads over the few pages of the new story I've just started. When she's done she looks at me. "That's really good. I love how the world is introduced, at a pace that seems just right. And the main character, she doesn't seem like she can be trusted," She turns back to me, "you got to let me read the rest of this."

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