Chapter 5

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*Wyatt pictured*

Luke picks me up in a timely manner after I message him. "Hey, my name is Luke, we didn't really get to introduce ourselves last night," Luke gives a winning smile as he introduces himself and holds out his hand to shake.

Liza pushes his hand away and gives him a hug, "Thank you for taking care of my best friend, both last night and today. My name is Liza. It's nice to meet you officially." Liza is always super respectful to people when she first meets them, she is huge on first impressions, I hate to say it goes down hill from there, most of the time. I laugh a little to myself and they both look at me strangely. I just wave it off and go to get in the vehicle. "Do you mind if I follow you back to your place, Luke? I'd like to meet Rin's other saviors." Liza gives Luke a look daring him to say no and he doesn't disappoint her, probably trying to stay on her good side.

When he climbs in the car next to me, he gives me a sad look, probably noticing my busted lip again. He doesn't mention it but instead says, "You look really beautiful Korrinne." He gives me a smile, making me weak at the knees. I hear my phone go off as Luke starts to drive and I make the mistake of checking it. I realize I actually have a ton of messages, considering I haven't checked my phone in a couple of hours.

I'm sorry Korrinne. You know I would never hurt you on purpose. Please come back home so we can talk about everything. I can't live without you.

Korrinne, please baby, please come back home.

Fuck you, bitch. You can stay gone for all I care. Just know that I fucked your sister. She felt really good, riding me. I don't need you. I can have anyone I want.

I start to cry as I read all of the nasty messages. I lean my head against the window, so that Luke doesn't notice. I'm really glad Liza decided not to put makeup on me, so as to not irritate my lip. I get out of Clark's messages, not wanting to read his graphic details and I check my others. I have a few from Wyatt, worried about me, so I let him know that I will meet with him tomorrow, at the diner. I also have one each from my brother and my sister. I refuse to open the message from my sister, but quickly answer my brother before clicking my phone off.

"You doing okay over there, Rin?" I hear Luke ask me vaguely. I realize that I am struggling to breathe, barely getting enough into my lungs to not pass out. I curl up into myself and block everything out. I don't even notice when my door opens, but I start to regain some sort of awareness of the world around me when I am picked up bridal style. I hear Liza shouting as I am being carried away, but I just curl up into whoever's chest and cry.

I must have cried myself asleep, because I find myself waking up on the most comfy bed I've ever laid on with Lilac rubbing against my face. I sit up, feeling gross because my mouth is really dry, my face is sticky, and I just feel like throwing up. I stand up and open the door closest to me expecting to find a hallway, but find something better, a bathroom with a pair of my pajamas on the counter. I shrug my shoulders and jump in the shower, wanting to feel clean.

When I get out of the shower, I wrap myself in a fluffy, white towel and stare at myself in the mirror. I run my finger over where my lip is busted. My whole jaw is sore and I have a bruise right under my lip. I don't want to cry though, I am filled with pure anger. I put on my pajamas, then throw my hair up into a messy bun, leaving the bathroom. Ash is walking into the room as I am returning.

"I heard the shower turn off, so I thought I would bring you some food." Ash gives me a smile as he hands me the plate filled with spaghetti.

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